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After almost an hour of hiding in my car, gathering myself together after so many damn emotional outburst, I finally return to the function room. Everyone is gleefully laughing or dancing carelessly.

The tables have been manoeuvred to clear space for the dance floor, I glance around locating everyone. Most are on the dance floor with the bride and groom so I make my way to a table were Clare is sat with Lily.

A member of staff walks by and I grab their attention, ordering a pint.

I slip my shoes off and extend my legs, resting my bare feet on a nearby chair. Relaxing as I sip on my nice cold pint, soaking in the fabulous atmosphere around me.

    "Hey" Ethan chimes, plonking onto the chair next to me. He manoeuvres the chair so his feet rest on the edge of my chair. "Where've you been?" He asks, rolling the sleeves of his shirt up.

His pristine suit is no more. His waistcoat and jacket now rest on the back of his chair, his tie sits in a pile on the table and the top few buttons of his shirt are now open. His sleeves, rolled up make him seem more relaxed which makes me wonder how well he'd look in casual clothes.

    "Getting some air" I say, keeping my gaze fixed on the people dancing.

For a moment we just sit in silence, until I find myself being the one to break it.

    "Do you ever wonder what it'd be like if you were still with Lydia? If the wedding had gone ahead?"

    "Hmm, I'd probably be a raging alcoholic, drinking myself through a miserable marriage" He chuckles heartily.

    "Stop that, I'm serious" I titter, glimpsing at him and shoving his leg lightly.

    "I'd have regretted it" He says seriously. I turn to face him. He sits up in his seat and leans forward, toward me. His expression blank but his eyes still have that joyful twinkle in them. "Honestly I'm glad she walked out that day; otherwise I wouldn't have had the hectic experiences of a single man for the past two years"

    "Experiences help us learn and grow"

Ethan's arm stretches out and he takes my pint glass from the table, taking a long gulp.

    "Oi, that's mine" I groan at him.

    "That must be why it tastes so good" He chuckles, licking his lips.

I can't help but giggle at him.

    "Right, let's dance beautiful" He says, standing and hauling me up with him.

    "I'm not beautiful" I say casually dismissing his compliment.

I've never been very good at accepting compliments. I usually brush them off as untrue or as a joke.

Ethan stands frozen on the spot and stares down at me blankly.

    "What?" I ask, raising a quizzical eyebrow at him.

    "You are beautiful" He says firmly, setting off an explosion of emotions within me.

    "Okay" I say sounding like a scolded child. I turn to the dance floor but Ethan's gentle grasp on my arm halts me, causing me to look back up at him, into those gorgeous hazel eyes.

    "Do you want to know another reason why I'm glad Lydia left?" He asks, looking slightly nervous.

I nod, encouraging him to continue.

    "Because I got to meet you" He states, stunning me. "You climbed onto my balcony with your beer and turn my whole day around, hell you turned my whole world around" He smirks and I feel my cheeks heat up. "You told me when the time was right I'd find someone better but I already felt like I had. I wanted to ask you out that night but I didn't want you to feel like a rebound. For the past two years I haven't been able to get you out of my mind and now I'm here blabbing on and I've absolutely no idea how you even feel about me" He admits, wincing slightly.

He feels the same way!

Unable to process everything, I stand gaping at him.

    "I.. I.. I've wanted to do this since that day" I say as I grip his shirt in my fist and tugging him towards me, crashing my lips into his.

He's momentarily stunned by my forwardness but quickly that shock subsides and he responds to my kiss. His lips move in sync with mine and it's like fireworks are going off around me, like two years of feelings are being rammed into one passionate kiss.

His arm slips around my waist, the sensation sending tingles through me. I snake my arms up his chest and around his neck as our kiss intensifies.

Gasping for breath we slowly and reluctantly part.

Ethan rests his forehead gently against mine.

    "Does this mean you'll go on a date with me?"

    "I should tell you that I've never had a relationship last more than a month" I admit coyly, "that's kinda why I was reluctant coming here and seeing you again because I haven't been able to stop thinking about you either but I'm afraid I'll ruin everything and..."

Ethan's lips on mine stop my rambling.

    "You have nothing to worry about. You won't be getting rid of me easily" He titters, grinning at me. "So whaddaya say beautiful, will you go on a date with me?"

    "As long as it's not to another wedding" I taunt.

Ethan's arm around my waist tightens, pulling me closer to him. "Deal" He whispers, smiling broadly before kissing me delicately.

    "About bleeding time" Killian's familiar voice hollers and Ethan and I part, our heads turning in the direction of his voice; And there stands Killian along with the rest of Ethan's family, Glen and Rose.

All whom are smiling at us wider than Cheshire cats, except Ian.

    "Did I miss something?" Ian questions, bewildered by us and his families gleeful reactions.

    "Seriously?" Martin deadpans at him. "You honestly didn't notice the chemistry between these two?"

Ian shakes his head.

Parting from Ethan, I approach Ian and link my arm through his. "Come on, let's go talk" I say, leading him away from everyone.

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