xiv. loving you for quite some time

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"Are you excited?" Lily asked Lois as she started doing her makeup

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"Are you excited?" Lily asked Lois as she started doing her makeup.

"Very. It's all about the honeymoon," She joked. Lois and Sirius were going to be heading off to Italy for a week after the wedding, and then in the summer they decided that they wanted to tour around Europe.

"Have you and Sirius been practicing your Italian?" Aurora asked from where she was sat on Lois' bed, watching Lily fret around the dresser looking for her eyeshadow palette.

"I have," Lois told her sister. "But I'm not too sure about Sirius. I might have told him that there was a spell to translate for you," She said sheepishly.

"There isn't though," Aurora told her. Then Aurora's eyes widened in realisation. "What did you tell him the spell was?"

"I might have said it was Anatiducula,"

"Lois!" Aurora exclaimed. That spell definitely didn't translate languages. It caused the victim's wand to produce ducks whenever a spell was cast. "If you can, take a picture," She added, thinking it would be funny to see the shock on his face. "And he hasn't tested it beforehand?" She asked, thinking that Sirius would at least want to try and use it.

"Heh, about that," Lois snickered. "I told the others that when he casts it, to speak English so he thinks it works,"

Both Lily and Aurora laughed at Lois, as she told them how excited Sirius was. Soon enough though, Lois' makeup was done, and Aurora got up off the bed to start on her hair.

"How many people have you invited?"

Lois looked at her sister through the mirror. "Not many. Probably 30?"

Aurora nodded her head, and continued to brush through her twin's hair. "I'm assuming that McGonnagall is going to be there?"

Lois laughed, remembering the reasons Sirius told her as to why they should invite the icon that is Minerva. "Of course. But I'm excited for Moody,"

"What on earth do you mean?"

"During the war, Lois tried to become Moody's best friend. She even got a hug out of him," Lily told her.

"Seriously? Mad-eye Moody?" Aurora was shocked that Lois had managed to get the infamous Auror to show an emotion. Lois' nodded excitedly, a large smile growing on her face.

Aurora's smile copied her sister's and she finished the last plait in her hair. "Thank you so much Rory," Lois turned towards her.

"No problem,"


After helping Lois finish up getting ready, Aurora leftest the room to quickly get into her own dress. It was a pale pink dress, reaching down to her feet.

According to Lois, this had to be the colour, because during her fourth year (when she had a huge crush on Sirius) Lily had pushed her into Sirius, leading Lois to fall down the stairs and break her leg. Lily hadn't meant to do that, just a playful nudge, but Lois swore that at their wedding, she would find the colour Lily would look the worst in, and make her wear it. So that's why Aurora was currently complaining about being in a pink dress to herself.

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