xl. if my wishes came true

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Aurora was pleasantly surprised when Remus had won her a fluffy teddy

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Aurora was pleasantly surprised when Remus had won her a fluffy teddy. If she was going to be truthful she hadn't spent much time looking at the game, instead her focus was on the way his muscles flexed underneath his jumper as he threw the darts.

She had snapped out of her trance of watching him when he gave her the toy, a smile on his face that she had been powerless to not return.

"I'm going to win you one now." She declared as she went on a hunt for a more manageable activity for her to win. Aurora stopped when she saw one that she wanted to complete and went up to it, pulling out a few coins from her pocket.

"A shooting game?" Remus asked, looking at the game in front of her. She would have five shots to try and shoot down four of the tiny metal soldiers. "When have you ever used a rifle in your life?"

"Who knows?" She shrugged. "I could have a natural talent for it." Remus watched as she picked up the rifle and started to position her hands correctly according to the man running it. Carefully, she lined up her shot and the metal man went down. He saw how she bit back her grin as she aimed for the one next to it. He continued to watch as she knocked down all four of the metal soldiers one after the other, eyebrows raising in surprise. "I used to play these games all the time as a kid." Aurora told him, a shy grin on her face.

Remus came closer to her, closing the distance between them so his head hovered over her as he looked down. "Is it alright if I kiss you?" Once Aurora nodded, he leaned down and connected their lips. He could feel Aurora move her hands around his neck to gain support as she raised herself to the tips of her toes, while he moved his hands around her waist to pull her against him. Aurora gasped into his mouth as she felt her body press against his, allowing Remus to take her bottom lip between his teeth, sucking lightly.

Slowly, Aurora disconnected their lips, pressing their foreheads together, breathing in sync. Remus' eyes still hadn't opened yet, so she took the opportunity to look at him. Her hands made their way from behind his neck to cradle his face softly. "We should do that more often." She said, breaking the peaceful silence that had passed between them and lowering herself to the soles of her feet.

Remus nodded weakly, a gentle hum of agreement leaving his lips. "We should probably start heading back." He said as he looked around them, the sky only starting to get darker despite it being half nine at night; one of the perks of May.

"Yeah." Aurora agreed, turning to the man running the stall to get her prize, picking out a wolf teddy and handing it over to Remus with a wide grin, receiving an eye roll in return, but the matching grin on his face gave him away.

She grabbed his hand as they started walking back in the direction of the field they had apparated to. Even knowing there was a gate this time round, Aurora still opted to climb over it, getting Remus to join her instead of being practical and actually using the gate.

"Thank you for tonight." She told him as they stood in the middle of the field, unseen. "I had a fantastic time."

"As did I." Remus grinned and bent down to kiss her cheek, causing Aurora to scrunch up her nose.

Once he pulled back, he took ahold of her hand again and apparated back into the Potters' living room, the loud crack making everyone jump.

"Did we scare you?" Aurora grinned at the occupants of the room, surprised to see Marlene and Dorcas with them. "And don't you all have work in the morning?"

"Don't remind them." Regulus told her as he turned his head back around to face her. "I just got them to stop complaining half an hour ago."

"Yes, well, neither of you three have to go to work." Marlene grumbled from her seat on the sofa.

"Oh to have not decided what I want to do with my future." Lois lamented.

"That's going to change soon for me." Aurora said, receiving confused faces from all around the room. "I've got a meeting with someone in the Ministry."

"You're going to work in the Ministry?" James questioned.

"For a while."

"What are you going to do in the Ministry?"

"It's a secret." She grinned, squeezing Remus' hand gently. "Now all of you need to get to bed." The collective groans from the group increased to which Aurora couldn't help but laugh, but they all listened to her, Marlene and Dorcas saying their goodbyes and leaving through the fireplace.

"Are you alright with taking Harry to the Weasley's tomorrow?" Lily asked Remus as she and James were passing to go up the stairs.

"What time?"

"Sometime around 11. Thank you." Lily gave him a soft smile and then carried on up the stairs after her husband.

Aurora turned her head up to look at Remus. "Can you even be awake by then?" Getting an eye roll in response.

"I'll just have to rely on you to wake me up."

"Oh yeah?" She asked, toeing off her shoes as Remus did the same. "And how would I go about doing that?"

"I might have some ideas." He grinned down at her, moving his hands to her waist and pulling her closer to him.

"Do tell." Aurora copied his grin as she moved her arms to wrap around his neck. She kept her gaze on him as he leaned down, his breath fanning on the side of her neck. She felt his lips make contact to her skin at the crook of her neck, leaving gentle butterfly kisses as his lips trailed higher and higher.

"You guys are aware that this is a public space, yes?" Regulus' voice echoed throughout the room.

A pout began to form on her face as she felt Remus' lips detach from her neck, but was quickly erased when he rested his forehead on her shoulder, body shaking lightly with silent laughter. "You're a twat, Regulus." She informed the younger boy as he walked past them.

"Wow, I am so insulted." He said blankly. "Get a room next time."

"We have one!" She shouted up at him as his body disappeared up the stairs. Remus slowly lifted himself up to stand at his full height and shot her a cheeky grin. "I think we should invest in bells for them to wear around their necks."


okay I think I've got 13??? fun facts about the characters and stuff in this fanfic on my profile so check those out if you want!!

part (a lot) of me desperately wants to change all of the chapter titles into Taylor Swift lyrics/songs

thank you for all the sweet comments (seeing that some of you reread this fic is actually insane and I love you all for it)

fuck, marry, kill: dean, seamus, neville

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