Bad Mood

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I jumped slightly at the sound of the door slamming. Timothèe shouldn't be home for a few more hours, making me scared of who just walked into my apartment.

I swallowed hard and stood up as quietly as possible, my heart was racing. I looked around for anything to protect myself. I heard rummaging around in the kitchen which made me even more worried.

I grabbed an empty glass that was sitting on the table, if I had to I could throw it at them and run.

I slowly made my way to the kitchen, shaking. When I turned the corner I was relieved for it to just be Timmy. He had papers sprawled out all over the counter top.

He didn't look up from his work but I knew he knew I was standing next to him. Something was off .

"You didn't tell me you were home, I thought you were an intruder" I chuckled setting the glass down

He didn't say anything and continued picking up and putting down papers.

"Okay" I said walking behind him and over to the fridge. I grabbed a water out of the fridge and returned next to him.

"Your home early"

"No shit" he mumbled

I decided to ignore his comment and wrapped my hands around his waist from behind, trying to loosen him up.

"What's wrong?" I asked sincerely, trying to figure out what put him in such a pissy mood

"God y/n nothing, I'm fine can you just give me some fucking space? Jesus Christ!" He snapped making me immediately stepped back

Timmy never snapped at me, it was a very rare occasion where he would and anytime he did he immediately apologized and felt guilty. But this time, there was no remorse.

I stood for a second, almost waiting for the apology or for him to realize what he had said. But he didn't. The tears immediately formed in my eyes but I turned away before he could see them. 

I grabbed my phone from the couch and walked to the bedroom, shutting the door harshly behind me. I walked to the connecting bathroom and turned on the shower as hot as it would go. It stresses me out when Timmys upset, especially when he's upset with me. But I was also pissed. I didn't do anything to deserve him snapping at me like that.

I stripped and entered the shower, the hot water relaxed me. About 8 minutes passed before I heard the shower door open and close and I felt two arms snake around my waist and pull me close.

Inside, I was melting. Even after almost a year of dating, he still gives me butterflies every time he touches me. But I still tried to keep a straight face and keeping looking forward to show him I wasn't gonna let him off so easily

He brought his head up to rest on my shoulder.
"I'm sorry" he whispered in my ear

"You should be"

"I know, Greta sent me home early today because I guess the scene wasn't flowing like she wanted, so she told me to go home and get it together for tomorrow. So that just pissed me off"

I nodded my head

"But I shouldn't have taken it out on you, and I should've told you I was home. I know you were just trying to help"

"I didn't mean to upset you more"

"It wasn't you, y/n it's never you, you're perfect"
He kissed my neck softly


"You're the most perfect girl I've ever met y/n, I'm seriously the luckiest man ever"

I smiled at his compliments, all of the anger I had for him disappeared and I leaned back into his body, letting the water run down on us.

"I guess I am pretty great" I joked

"You're the best"

"Just don't snap at me like that again or I'll punch you in your balls" I said looking at him

He laughed for a second but then stopped when he saw my serious expression


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