Pick up line

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"I am not doing that"

"Oh my god, y/n will stop being such a pussy?"

"He's gonna think I'm such a weirdo!" I protest quickly

"Okay? And if so you literally never have to see him again"

The bar roared with laughter coming in all directions, but not from me. In fact I was doing the opposite of laughing, I was panicking.

I hadn't even planned on going out tonight. What I was going to do was chill in my sweats watching the bachelor. But last minute I got a call from none other than Scarlett, who happens to be the most crazy bitch I know, but also my best friend. She invited me out and by invited I mean forced me to do my hair and makeup and put on this way-to short black dress and book it downtown to this fancy bar.

And that's how I ended up here, 3 drinks in, feeling a bit buzzed and being dared to go do the most stupid pick up line I've ever heard with the hottest guy in here.

"He's been eye- fucking you all night" Scarlett says downing the rest of her drink

"Yeah and with that shit I'll scare him away"

"Oh my god just fucking do it" she says grabbing my hand and dragging me over to the bar are where he was sitting near by, leaving me there stranded.

I stood there, absolutely mortified, staring at the bartender. She looked back at me blankly

"Can I get you something babe?" She says raising an eyebrow

"Uhh- Uh cranberry vodka please?" I stuttered

She nodded her head and went about making my drink. I turned back to Scarlett quickly and she nodded her head towards the boy, silently telling me to stop being a pussy.

I rolled my eyes as the bartender came back with my drink. I downed it quickly, needing all of the liquid courage I could get.

I made my way over to him, he sat there, twirling his straw around his drink. He turned his head towards me and I immediately froze for a second before regaining some confidence and continuing to walk to over to him.

He smiled up at me, quickly looking me up and down.

I sat down next on the chair next to him, at first facing the bar but then turning to towards him.

Here we go

"So, aside from being sexy, what do you do for a living"

He smiled and started to laugh, making me laugh as well out of pure embarrassment. I buried my head in my hands.

"That was... bad" he said through laughs

"Yeah well you can blame my friend"

"So you didn't mean it?" He smirked

"Mean what?"

"The part where you called me sexy"

I laughed out loud, shaking my head a bit and looking down

"I never said I didn't mean it" I said looking back up at him

"Y/n" I held out my hand

"Timothèe" he took my hand and instead of shaking it, brought it up to his lips and kissed my knuckles gently, making me blush like crazy.

"You're a charmer, I like that"

"Can I charm you into letting me buy you a drink?" He said, eyes hopeful and pupils dilated from the dim lights. His hair fell in front of his face in soft chocolate curls, and his jawline, my god was it sharp.

"Even after that mess?" I chucked a bit

"Well you're so beautiful I'd be an idiot not to let you get away with it"

I swear I could feel the steam coming off my cheeks.

"Well then Timothèe I would definitely let you buy me a drink" I said winking

Scarlett is always right, god dammit.

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