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I'm in the lunch hall, sitting myself next to Sasha and Connie. I don't say as much as I do normally - I don't feel in a very good mood. I feel humiliated. He looked at me like I was dirt under that table. I feel my stomach tie knots, causing me to groan. Connie spikes his attention to me.

'What's wrong?' Connie ponders. 'Is it the whole Captain Levi thing?'

'Yes.' I sigh. I put my head on the table and clench my fists. I release them. 'I just don't understand why he had to see us. Out of all the times I was actually cleaning, he walks in on the time I wasn't.'

I sigh again. I sit up.

'Do you think it will be fine?' I huff.

'Honestly?' Connie asks.

'Honestly.' I repeat.

'Honestly, you are kinda dead.'

I groan and put my head back down on the table.

'Brat.' I heard someone say.

Oh god please don't let it be him.

I tilt my head to the side to see who it is - it's Levi.

The hall has gone quiet - everyone has stopped chattering - even Hanji and Erwin.

'Don't put your elbows on the table. It's bad manners. Also I don't want your face grease on these tables.'

Embarrassed, I take my elbows off the table and sit myself upright. I dig my nails into my fingers to distract this immense amount of embarrassment and humiliation I feel. It doesn't work. I feel eyes on me now, and it isn't just Levi's.

'Hanji,' Levi says, 'cancel whatever she's got today. She has cleaning to do.'

Hanji shrugs her shoulders at me as if she's saying:
Oh well, what are you gonna do about it?

The hall is still quiet. Levi walks away, his shoes making sound echo. He pushes the door and leaves the hall. Every one starts talking again, but this time, they start looking at me. I feel my name being thrown back and fourth, all whispers and sniggering. Can't I catch a break?

'Everyone's talking about how Levi hates you.' Connie said, trying to hide that he's giggling.

'It's not funny!' I push his arm across the table. My mind begins to think about how awkward it will be - just Levi and I. He will probably find another thing to antagonise about. I really don't want to go. All my feelings of curiosity about that man have vanished. I just feel pure hatred. I grit my teeth and bite the inside of my lip.

'Guess I'll see you guys at dinner then.' I smile insincerely, my eyes widening at the thought of cleaning with Levi.


I have been in the halls, cleaning. I'm all alone. Even Levi isn't here.

'For fucks sake.' I whisper to myself, and reluctantly wipe another table.

Why does he hate me so much?? Doesn't he know that I'm trying?? You know what, if he hates me, then I hate him. Yes. I hate him. He's ill-mannered, short and unlikeable. I don't need to look up to him.

I feel my arms begin to fatigue and stop cleaning. I try to urge them to clean, but they have been cleaning without rest for a while. I want to stop and rest, but with this chain of luck I've been experiencing, I think it would be best if I just pushed through. But my arms stop listening and stop cleaning.

I look around the hall - it looks clean. Looks like I've cleaned the benches, floors and tables - my arms deserve the rest. Furthermore, I've been bending over and picking up food so my back hurts too. I sit myself on the bench and let out a long sigh.

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