The Lion, The Witch, And The Wardrobe Change

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Yo peeps.  I'm back! Also, PLEASE COMMENT I LOVE COMMENTS SO PLEASE! Anyways, they might meet some wizards in this chapter, or they might not. The picture is of Vi. Also, can you see the seven in robes? I can't either! And I suck at this so whatever. I don't own any characters or settings besides Vierra. But who am I kidding. You know that. I am but a humble peasant living in New York. Yay. Ok why are you still reading this? I would've skipped ahead by now. Now read the actual story.

Annabeth's POV (Puh-lease, you knew that was coming)

Olivander beckoned Percy forward. Percy took one shaky step toward the strange man. I stepped with him. As I did, Olivander's eyes widened. "Are you, by any chance, related to the Olympia family, based in New York?" he asked. I nod my head slowly. "Ah! You must be Annabeth Chase and Percy Jackson! And you're the rest of the seven, I presume?" He gestured to the other's. Again, I nodded. "My mother is Hecate," he said, still smiling. "This will make finding your wand much easier!" He said, clearly delighted. He handed Percy a wand. "13 1/2 inches, Driftwood, saltwater core, slightly flexible,". Percy waved the wand and shouted "Abra Kedabra!" A stream of salt water came out the end. Olivander smiled as he handed Percy a sea green box to keep the wand in. (I'm to lazy to do everyone so here you go)

Annabeth: Olive wood, owl feather core 16 inches, stubborn

Jason: Green Heart Wood, Tornado core, 14 inches, very flexible

Piper: Australian Buloke Wood, Dove feather core, 12 1/2 inches, slightly bouncy

Leo: Ash wood, Steel core, 12 inches, bendy

Hazel: Ebony wood, diamond core, stubborn, 15 inches

Frank: Balsa wood,  Fur of a lion animagus core, 14/12 inches, rather bouncy (Uh-oh, another piece of magical wood for Frank)



After a long talk with Olivander, we went back to the leaky cauldron, where we'd be staying. Tom, the bartender, greeted us with a toothless smile. I scanned my surroundings, looking for monsters in disguise. 

    The most interesting  thing I found was a young girl, sitting alone at a table. She looked up from the book she'd been staring at. Wait...staring. Not reading staring. I walked over, fingering my sword (I wrote dagger there and then started crying). "What are you?" I asked her nervously. 

     She sighed. "Demigods these days! Not who are, but WHAT are you! Ugh. For your information, I am a normal witch. But I can see through the mist, and I've had a few er...mix-ups with the worlds of mythology. Happy?" the girl finished. "Oh, and by the way, I'm Vierra Tokina" she added. I blinked. "Annabeth Chase, daughter of A-" I started. "Athena? You have the eyes," she guessed. She studied my shocked face. "You can call me Vi," she said, sticking out her hand.  I nodded. "Let me grab my friends. Then you could tell us about Hogwarts?" I asked her. "Course," she replied, and then went back to reading, no staring, at her book. 

     I jog towards the rest of the seven. Leo was fiddling with some scrap metal from his tool belt.  Frank was trying to explain technology to Hazel. Piper was playing with Splitz. And Percy and Jason? They were arguing over air and sea disasters. "Boys," I muttered to myself. "Guys!" I shout. "There's a clear sighted mortal witch (Btw, Italics are greek. Yeah) who is wiling to tell us about Hogwarts!" I exclaim. I beckoned them over to Vi's table. 

     Once everyone was seated and had given introductions, Vi started. "So there are four houses, Gryffindor for the stupid, Ravenclaw for the smart, Hufflepuff for the loyal, and Slytherin for the amazing and cunning.  (I know you all are going to kill me for saying that, but I have nothing against Gryffindor, this is Vi's opinion, not mine so no killing please! I'd prefer to live through the day. Though it is kinda true... among other things!!!!)," she finishes. "and you where a badge with you house's crest on it on your robes," she adds. 

"Wait a minute! We have to where robes!?" Percy asked, clearly startled by the idea. I nodded. Percy and Leo look ready to faint. "But Annabeth,"  Leo complained. "you don't want to hide the SUPER SIZED FLAMING HOT MCSHIZZLE!, do you?" he smiled innocently. "LEO!!!" I scream. After killing Leo, I sit back down and listen to Vi talk about house points. "Now, you best go get your robes," said Vi, with a twinkle in her eyes. 

     I nodded. If anyone could force the boys into robes, I could. "C'mon, or do you all want to end up like Leo?" I smirk. Leo groaned. Percy quickly follows me out the door, while Frank helps Leo up. We quickly found the robes shop, Madame Malkins. A cheerful women greeted us there, who I assumed was Madame Malkins. She finished our robes so quickly, we couldn't get ice-cream in between, even though the boys begged. I forced them to put them on, and we finally were able to leave.  

     We were just about to get some ice-cream when a roar met our ears.  I sighed. Nemean Lion. (I suck at writing fight scenes, so don't judge) We've fought him before, but we don't  have any space cream. Oh well. We charge into battle, as surrounding wizards scream. Wonder what they see.  "Hazel, I need a jewel!" I shout. Hazel tosses me a perfect diamond. I, in turn, throw it at the lion's maw. Percy stabs and throws away the coat. Vi catches. "Congrats," she says slyly. "Those, erm, spells, looked advanced. I roll my eyes. "You guys need to work on the mist," she whispered, suddenly serious. "It's not nearly as strong here," she adds. I nod. I'd been doing that a lot around her. Finally, the crowd began to disperse, muttering about "advanced spells" and "extreme talent". "C'mon," I said finally. "We got a long train ride tomorrow," I said. Then I whistled for Éxypnos, who landed promptly on my shoulder, and began walking towards the leaky cauldron.


- Chloe the great and awesome

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