before • mornings

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It's cold when I wake up with a low groan, stretching and turning over to my side. I reach blindly, but the bed is empty and my eyes fly open in confusion, suddenly darting around the small, sparsely decorated space that's our bedroom.

"Lana?" I call, but my voice is hoarse from all the... sounds she drew out of me the night before. The very thought brings a bashful smile to my face as I stumble out of bed, pulling on the large green Tee she's left out for me.

I can hear the blender the minute I step out of our bedroom and this time there's a real smile. She's still here. In the kitchen. Probably making herself a green smoothie.

We've been together for just over six months, and it's still terrifying not to see her in bed in the morning. It's hard to remember Lana's just an early riser and isn't gone for good.

I tip toe in, heart bursting with love at the sight of her. This beautiful, six-foot-four fitness trainer I've come to call my own. Her hair's in a messy bun, as always, earthy green sports bra and basketball shorts putting her muscles on display for me. This close, I can see the Pikachu tattoo just between her shoulder blades that never ceases to surprise people.

Slowly, I put my arms around her waist, feeling her tense, briefly, before relaxing. Probably because I'm just barely five-foot-six and I'm definitely not a threat to her.

"You're up earlier than I thought," she tells me, fond and amused.

"Bed was cold," I murmur, reaching around her for the glass of orange juice I know is there.

Lana passes it, indulgent. She turns around as I let her go, resting on the kitchen counter to watch me drink. Which, weird. I'm not a fan of being watched, especially when I'm eating or drinking. But I'm used to it by now.

"You're so cute," she says, when I finish, and I glare at her. With very little heat.

"I literally just drank some- It's because I'm wearing your shirt isn't it?" I ask, lifting a brow.

Lana shrugs, before surging forward and lifting me off the ground, laughing at my startled and breathless squeal as I wrap my legs around her waist on impulse.

I open my mouth to complain, but her lips are on mine and my brain just sort of... stops. All it knows - all I know - is that Lana's kisses are heaven.

"I love you, Tesoro," she says when we break apart for air.

"Mm, I love you too."

It was a cold morning. But she... she was warm. And I don't think I'll ever get tired of waking up to this.

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