Part 16, The New Teacher~

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The four walk in and take their usual seats.

"Where is he?" Peter

"You're asking me like I know." Olivia

"He's your boyfriend." Peter

"That doesn't mean I know exactly where he is. He doesn't have a tracker on him." Olivia

The door opens and the principal and Bucky walk in.

"Hello, everyone. This is your new history teacher for the year, Sgt. Barnes. He will also be your gym teacher. Sgt. Barnes, this is your history classroom and your first class of the day." Principal

Bucky nods.

"Hello, everyone." Bucky

"I'll leave you be." Principal

The principal leaves.

"As you all heard the principal tell you I'm your new history teacher, Sgt. Barnes, and I will also be covering your gym classes, as well. But as this is my first class with you, I want to spend the hour getting to know you all." Bucky

Bucky leans against his desk looking hot as ever and Olivia was pissed. He knew exactly what he was doing because she saw him smirk at her when he saw her expression.

"Right, so first off, the register. When I call your name put your hand up so I know who you are." Bucky

He calls out everyone's names and marks them all down.

"Well, it looks like we have full attendance today. Okay so, the easiest way to do this. You ask me a question and I'll answer it then everyone else answers the same question. Nothing inappropriate, please." Bucky

Someone puts their hand up.

"Yes, miss?" Bucky

"Sophie Dawson, sir." Sophie

Bucky nods.

"What's your question, miss. Dawson?" Bucky

"Are you single?" Sophie

Bucky chuckles.

"No, I'm not single, I have a girlfriend. Since I said everyone has to answer it let's go around the classroom." Bucky





Many yeses and no's later

"Yes." Peter

"No." Olivia

Everyone looks at Olivia who was the last person to answer shocked.

"Since when is that tramp dating anyone?" Sophie

"Oh, I'm the tramp?" Olivia

"Miss. Dawson, detention after school. I won't tolerate anybody picking on anyone in my classroom." Bucky

"Yes, Sgt. Barnes." Sophie

"Any other questions?" Bucky

Somebody puts their hands up.

"What's your first name?"

"Bu- James, my first name is James." Bucky

Someone else puts their hand up.

"Yes?" Bucky

"Why did you say 'bu' then stop?"

"My friends call me by my middle name, I guess I've gotten so used to it I forgot that my name is actually James." Bucky

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