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The monsters and the rest of the team had decided that it was safe enough to rest inside of a cave in the Indigo Cliffs until they found elsewhere to rest.

"Okay, this seems like a safe enough place to rest for a bit..." Godzilla huffed as he sat against one of the cold walls of the Indigo cave, with Mothra resting right next to him, tired, as she leaned against his shoulder.

"Yes, this is very nice..." Mothra mumbled as she dozed off

Anguirus curled up into a ball in a corner of the cave, silently staring at Godzilla before he turned away from him to fall asleep.

"Finally, we get to take a break!" Face exclaimed in exhaustion as Melissa as Zachary sat down to rest, while Solomon silently stared outside at the clouds, carefully watching for any signs that Red was nearby.

"Don't worry, Solomon. He's not following us anymore." Melissa assured as Solomon turned towards her.

"I'm just... Making sure." The Demon Bat mumbled as he sat against a large boulder in the cave, letting himself rest. He just couldn't shake the feeling that Red was still there, watching.

As everyone else slowly fell asleep, Anguirus and Solomon were still wide awake, as Anguirus scooted over next to Solomon, careful not to wake anyone up.

"So... um..." Anguirus was struggling to come up with a topic for a conversation, "You still worried about Red following us?" He asked.

"Yeah... Kinda..." Solomon quietly responded, keeping his eyes on the cave's entrance, before glancing at Face- who became a light shade of grey when asleep.

"So... Was, um... Was Red always like this?" Anguirus quietly asked as Solomon looked back at him.

"No, not really." He responded as he sat down, pulling his knees to his chest. "Red wasn't always like this.... He used to be kind, then as he got older, he just... Started to become violent, stopped showing his emotions, and started hurting innocents for no reason... I feel like... something was going on that he was scared to tell me... like something was hurting him, and that something had a negative effect on him..."

Anguirus was silent as Solomon continued.

"It was like... He wasn't the same guy I was best friends with anymore, like he was now a completely different guy..." Solomon mumbled. "...I just don't know what happened... I don't know why he became so horrible to everyone, he just did."

"Did you guys start to drift apart when that happened?" Anguirus asked.

"Yeah, we did... I was always there for him whenever he needed me, we would do all we could to protect Zenith and those we loved and cared about," Solomon smiled, "Now that I think about it, I don't think Red liked or cared about anyone other then me..." He mumbled with a slight chuckle, before both of them fell silent.

Anguirus thought for a moment, why did Red become violent? Was it because of his own uncontrollable powers? Was it because he was hurt so much in life, he decided to hurt others back? Was it because he felt... betrayed, alone, with nobody there for him anymore?

Anguirus's theories became less about Red, and more about his personal problems as his train of thought went elsewhere.

If his best friend left for no reason, he'd be upset, too. If his best friend ignored his pain, then he'd be angry, too... If his best friend left, and didn't see what was hurting him, and wanted him dead, then he'd be pissed off too...

In an odd way, Anguirus felt like he somewhat understood Red now... But those were just his own thoughts, small theories he had come up with. Who knows, maybe his theories were right about Red?

Anguirus scooted back over to the corner of the cave, staying there for a bit, before crawling over to Godzilla and gently resting his head on the King's tail.

He wished that Godzilla had loved him back. Even though that's what he had assured Anguirus, that he loved both him and Mothra, he felt like the King was lying when he said that.

As Anguirus fell asleep, Solomon remained wide awake, still watching for any signs of danger. That's when he noticed one of Not-Hedorah's little hench- bats calmly resting on a rock outside the cave.

Solomon picked up a stone from the ground, and threw it at the hench- bat, hitting it's foot before it flew off, scared.

"Damn bat." Solomon mumbled as he watched it fly off, most likely back to Not-Hedorah. Chances were, the little thing was sent to be a spy to relay information to Not-Hedorah and Red to know their wearabouts.

Solomon glanced over at Zachary and Melissa, who were huddled up with each other, asleep.

Solomon sighed as he leaned against a rock, exhausted, but determined to stay awake. He wanted to rest, to sleep, but part of himself refused to fall asleep in case Red found them.


Zachary woke up in a dream-like state, immediately terrified at what he saw in front of him.

Godzilla, Mothra, Anguirus, Solomon, Face, and Melissa lay on the ground in front of him, dead as their bodies lay in their own blood.

Zachary slowly stumbled back, afraid, before he bumped into something, and turned around to find himself face to face with Red.

The Hellbeast's right arm, back, and tail were a dark brown, almost black, as if the Hellbeast's skin was rotting. Zachary remembered that he saw a glimpse of Red's dark wounds from when Godzilla and Solomon attacked him earlier...

Was this an effect of sorts from when Acacius fought him? Whenever he was attacked, the spot where he was injured would begin rotting... was this Acacius's doing?

Before Zachary could question anything else, dark red chains, exactly like the ones that held him down when he was first trapped in the game, tied themselves around his entire body, making him unable to move.

Zachary struggled to try and free himself from the chains in his panic, as his entire body began glowing a brighter purple the more panicked he was becoming.

Zachary could barely see himself in the bright purple light he emitted as the Hellbeast, who was now suddenly in his Final Form, kicked him to the ground and crushed him beneath his foot.

Zachary squirmed and struggled to free himself as the Hellbeast forced all of his weight on Zachary. A crushing feeling of absolute agony came over him, when he seemed to suddenly wake up back in the cave, but... he didn't really feel awake.

Nobody else was in the cave with him as he desperately looked around for someone, anyone, but there was nobody else there.

Zachary jolted awake with a slight gasp when he felt a cold hand on his shoulder, flinching and quickly backing away a bit, before his breathing slowed as he saw that it was just Anguirus.

"Hey, hey, chill out. It's just me..." Anguirus quietly said as he backed away from Zachary for a bit, letting him calm down.

Anguirus wrapped his arms around Zach in a warm and comforting hug as he calmed down from the nightmare, catching his breath as he hugged the spiked kaiju back, careful not to touch his sensitive wounds.

Even though Zachary was beginning to calm down, a sense of fear still lingered there... He felt like hundreds of eyes were staring directly at him from all around, even though Anguirus was the only one awake along with him.

Zachary took a brief glance at his surroundings and the rest of the cave. He noticed how there were cracks and holes in the walls and the ceiling of the cavern. Big enough for multiple to look through. Speaking of eyes...

He swore, just for a second, he got a glimpse of a single red eye looking back at him from one of the holes, before it suddenly vanished. He and Anguirus flinched and looked up as the faint sound of multiple wings flapping could be heard from above.

Solomon was smart to keep watch while he could, while awake....

Because they certainly weren't alone, and they had to start moving once more when everyone awoke.

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