-Savior's Spirit-

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Billy stared at the screen in confusion after the small red map of Zenith faded onscreen, with a faint whistling of wind being heard in the background.

This world felt like... it didn't belong in this game one bit, but alas, it was here and it made him feel... scared. Like something was staring at him from the other side of the screen, like something was going to jump at him any second.

He could just tell that something was wrong with this world... but despite all that, he entered the closest level to him on the small board.

The level he had entered was empty, with no enemies at all, with a dying inferno in the background as he pushed Rodan to continue on. There was text at the top of the screen, the same as before; "Follow the melody".

So, he did as he had been doing so far- he pushed forward through the next level, which had a centaur-like creature at the end of it, who he barely managed to defeat.

He returned to the board only for a few seconds, before entering the next level, that was much like the last one, pretty much empty. Weird.

He then entered the next level, which was nothing but emptiness, or so it seemed to be at first.

Then, he heard the melody again, clearer then it ever had been before.

Yellow text then popped onscreen, a voice also spoke, which read; "Finally. You've finally arrived."

Billy was confused, and without thinking, he asked aloud; "Who are you? Did you bring me here? Why?" After he started to feel stupid for asking that aloud, he surprisingly got an answer.

The same yellow text popped up again, and the voice gave a response; "Find me, and I will explain what I can. I'm not far from here."

He blinked in confusion. This wasn't supposed to come from an NES game. None of what was happening was supposed to come from an NES game, yet it was. Despite his confusion, he pressed on through a few more levels with a few more centaur-like creatures he had no choice but to avoid.

This got Billy thinking for a moment. Was this some kind of well-made ROM hack or mod? He couldn't really tell if it was a hack or not since he never played the original. But what he did know, was that NES games had zero voice acting whatsoever, yet this one somehow did- even though he was sure NES games couldn't handle it.

Eventually, after a while of nearly dying in every level before, he made it to the final space of the board, the final level. He took a deep breath, before entering the level.

The level was nothing more but a single screen. The level looked like a scorched battlefield, as the rocky terrain Rodan walked upon was black and red. There was what looked like thin and dark mountains in the background. There seemed to be some smoke coming from behind the mountains, something must've been set ablaze behind them.

To the far right of the level, was what looked like a red misshapen ball, which confused Billy even more. Out of curiosity, he made Rodan kick it. Once he did, the red shape changed a bit, as what seemed like the clinking sound of metal breaking was heard.

What was this, some kind of metal prison? He made Rodan kick it again and again, and he could start to make out the shape of... something... it seemed to be another monster.

He kicked it again. Bits of red flew off the figure as it's shape got clearer, he could now see that whoever was trapped here looked like a knight. A faint golden glow started to come from the figure. Suddenly, the figure began to shudder, as more bits of red flew off of it. Billy was starting to realize that the red bits were pieces of chains.

Why was it chained here? And by who? What did it do to deserve being chained here?

He made Rodan kick the chained figure again and again, as it kept shaking and it's glow became brighter, until... there was a flash of light that enveloped the entire screen.

Once the screen faded from white back to the scorched battlefield, which was now darker, he could now see that the figure he had freed seemed to be some kind of golden knight looking monster. The golden monster floated around Rodan, as bits of red chain floated near them. The melody Billy had been hearing and was told to follow was now playing endlessly, clearly playing.

The same yellow text and voice from earlier popped up; "Thank you, thank you very much. I am extremely grateful for your help. I am very sorry to have had to call you here, but..."

The golden figure floated down to the ground, "Your friends unfortunately are in great danger. I attempted to help them with all of my strength, but... we lost in the end." Billy was staring to feel bad for this monster.

"And now, because of my mistakes, I am but a weakened spirit and a powerful evil still remains. Your friends are still alive, but in a weakened state. I will do what I can to help you find your friends and save this world from the evil that made me fall- Red. The one many refer to as the Hellbeast."

"Since you can apparently hear me through the screen somehow..." Billy mumbled, before speaking clearly, "Who are you? I'm really glad you're here to help me and all, but... who are you exactly?"

The golden figure floated back a bit, "Oh, I am very sorry. How rude of me- I am Acacius, one that many call the 'Golden Light'. I was summoned here on Zenith by a spirit to take out Red and free all of the souls in his grasp, but... as you can see, that plan didn't come out successful..."

"Okay then... since you're here to help me, where do I go next?"

Acacius floated up a bit, before pointing to the right of the screen, "Go onwards this way, and you'll find yourself on the planet your wounded friends went to from here. I don't know exactly where to go, but a good starting point would be following the path your friends took. It's not the safest, but it's better then nothing."

"Alright then," Billy sighed, "Lead the way, Acacius. Onwards to save your friends, and everyone else!"

Rodan progressed to the end of the level. Afterwards, Billy selected to go to the next planet.

"Yes, onwards to save everyone!"

. . .

Hearing this made someone in the game extremely worried...

Worried about many things...

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