Chapter 14

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Julia's POV

"Wow that was good." Sam and Marisa said in unison. "You're pretty good at acting" Sam told me smiling.

"Thanks" I blushed. "It is actually a lot of fun too. I would like to do it professionally when I'm older." I said.

Marisa and Sam looked at each other and I knew what they thought. They thought that this was just a stupid dream that will be gone in a few months.

I raised an eyebrow. "I'm serious about this okay?" I said with an annoyed voice. "You could support me with my dreams instead of judging me for them." I muttered.

"We didn't say anything!" Marisa exclaimed.

I looked at her and raised an eyebrow again. "You didn't have to."

Just when Sam was about to say something to defend himself and Marisa my phone rang. Since my phone was just beside him I asked him to give it to me.

He grabbed it from the couch and looked at the display. His mouth hung open and he stared at it in disbelief. "You have Ian Somerhalder's number?"
He stuttered.

I tried hardly not to laugh out loud at their facial expressions.

"Yes" I said grabbing the phone from Sam. "Excuse me" I said and stepped out of the room.

"Hey Ian" I answered the phone.

"Hey" He muttered.

Since I didn't know why Ian called me or what he wanted I just decided to ask him how it went with Nikki.

"Did you talk to Nikki?"

I heard him sigh into the phone. "Yes. She doesn't want to see me at the moment"

"I'm sorry Ian. If there is anything I can do just tell me okay?" I told him letting him know that he can count on me.

"Sure yes. Thank you."

"Where are you right now?" I asked Ian trying to change the subject.

"I'm at Paul's place and I'm going to stay here for a while since Nikki kicked me out"

Changing the subject didn't work so well...

"Don't give up Ian! She loves you and you love her! You have to fight for her but I'm sure she wants you back too!" I encouraged him.

"I'm trying to fight Jules" he assured me and I heard Paul saying something to Ian in the background.

"I'm sorry Jules, I have to hang up. Paul just talked to Nina and I would like to hear what she said..You understand that right?"

"Sure" I replied trying to hide my disappointment.

It obviously didn't work since Ian said
"Don't be mad okay? I'll call you again as soon as I can" before hanging up.


Ian's POV

I hung up on Julia and couldn't help but feel guilty for cutting her off like that.

"What did she say?" I asked trying to suppress the thought.

Paul remained silent for a while so I continued. "Please Paul, I need to know how bad it is."

Paul turned around to look at me and shook his head. "Really bad Ian okay? You just slept with your ex girlfriend who is still in love with you!"

What?! I mean I knew that Nina still liked me but...she is still in love with me?! We dated almost two years ago!

"She's what?" I asked in disbelief.

Paul groaned and rolled his eyes when he realized what he just said. "Shit. This didn't help her at all."

"I have to talk to her." I said trying to run through the door when Paul stopped me.

"You're not going to talk to her Ian." He explained.

"What? Why?"

"Because she's hurt. And she hates herself for what she did. If you show up you'll make it even worse and I can't let this happen okay?" he said protectively and I nodded.

He was right. I should give Nina some time just like I should give Nikki. Waiting seems to be the only thing I can do..I thought ironically.

I sat back down on the couch and ran my fingers through my hair. "I'm screwed, am I?"

I looked at Paul and noticed that he was hiding a grin. "Yes you are."


Ian's POV

When I woke up the next morning I decided to try to talk to Nikki again. I left Paul a note to tell him where I was and left. When I pulled in the driveway I felt nervous about facing Nikki.

I was afraid of loosing her and I was afraid of her reaction. But I had to do this. I wanted her back!

I took a deep breath before I decided to ring the doorbell instead of using my key.

"Coming" I heard her yell from the other side of the door.

God I love this woman...

She openend the door in grey shorts and a black tank top. I couldn't help but admire her body.

She froze when she saw me.

"Ian..I said that I needed time." She sighed.

"I know and I don't want to push you into something. But I miss you and I don't know what to do without you." I said and before I realized what I was doing my lips were on hers.

I tried to kiss her but she pushed me away.

"Ian!" she yelled with a shocked voice. "Please just go"

"Nikki I'm so sorry. I know you need time I..I'm so sorry" I muttered already turning around.

What was I thinking? This was definitely not the right way to make her forgive me.

"Ian!" she called me back.

My heart skipped a beat when I looked at her again.

"Jillian is going to New York next week. She asked me to come with her."


"What did you answer?" I asked her trying to hide my disappointment.

"I'll stay with her for two weeks." she told me before closing the door again.

Great..Nikki was going to spend two weeks away from me..what was I going to do in that time? I asked myself before going back to the car.

When I was about to open the door my phone rang. I looked at the display. Julie.

"Hey Julie" I picked up the phone

"Hey Ian. How are you?"

"I've been better. Anyway why are you calling?"

"That girl you brought to the set a few days ago..I showed the clip we shot to Kevin and Caroline.."

Kevin and Caroline were two of the TVD producers and very good friends of mine and the whole cast.

"Really? What did they say?" I asked smiling.

"They're just as impressed as anybody else was. Listen we would like to give her a character at the show if you don't mind.."

Wait what?! That was amazing! At least there are a bit of good news today!

"I don't mind at all! I'm sure Jules will freak out! That's amazing Julie!"

"Okay..Do you have her phone number or email adress to contact her?" she asked.

"Yes I do..but I would like to tell her myself if it's okay?"

"Sure yes, just tell me if she wants or not."

"I'm sure she wants" I answered knowingly.

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