Take These Stars From My Crown

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I wake up slowly, it's strange how it feels like my senses come back one by one. My hearing is the first to wake up, I hear a beeping sound, the quiet sniffles of someone, I can hear voices but they sound far away. My sense of touch returns next, I can feel a pillow under my neck and between my legs. I start to move a little bit, testing out my body, everywhere hurts but it's tolerable pain.

"Nash? Open your eyes sweetie."

It's a female voice that I don't recognize.

"Yeah, we just extubated him, he should be waking up. The doctor had me slowly stop his sedative, he's breathing on his own now, his oxygen saturation is really good. He's resilient, it's really good that he's young and strong, he'll do well." She says softly, she's talking to someone.

"Nash? Open your eyes," her voice turns to me and my eyes feel so heavy but I try to open them anyway. It takes me a few tries but I finally manage to pry the open. Everything is blurry and I blink a few times to clear my vision.

"There he is," she says and she has a smile on her face, I'm confused because I don't know her at all.

"I'm Jenna, I'm your nurse. You're in the hospital, do you know what happened to you?" She asks, she's pretty and has a friendly smile.

"I think I was hit by a car?" I reply, my throat feels so dry and my voice is raspy, everything feels hazy.

She nods and I try lift my head to see who she had been talking to but I feel so weak that I can't.

"Where are my parents?" I ask, she's friendly but I feel scared and I want my mom.

"They're right here, sweetie." She tells me and steps away as my parents step up. My mom bends down and she has tears in her eyes.

"Am I okay?" I ask her, growing more scared, the beeping gets faster.

"You're perfect, baby. These are happy tears, because you're finally awake, my beautiful boy." My mom says softly as she presses a kiss to my cheek. I lift my arms and wrap them around her lightly.

"How long was I out?" I ask them as my mom pulls back.

"2 weeks..." she replies, I don't think that's too bad. Other than weakness I don't feel bad at all.

She presses another kiss on my cheek and then steps back and lets my dad step forward.

"Hey buddy, we're so happy you're awake," he says as he gives me a hug. His eyes are red, I've never seen him cry before.

He steps back and then Cameron steps forward and my eyes flicker towards my parents, they don't know about us yet. But then I wonder if there is an us.

"What are you doing here?" I ask quietly. I can't believe he has the gall to be here after what he did. He was fucking cheating on me with his co-star and then he's here like he actually gives a shit about me. If he gave a shit about me than he wouldn't have done that to me.

I study Cameron, he looks horrible, like he hasn't slept in weeks, his eyes are red too.

"Please go, Cameron. I can't do this." I tell him, I start to feel anxious and overwhelmed. I want to know what happened to me and why I was out for 2 weeks.

"Nash plea-" Cameron says but I interrupt him.

"I said fucking go!" My yelling causes me to go into a coughing fit and pain shoots across my body, causing tears to spring up in my eyes. I squeeze my eyes shut as I gasp for air.

The nurse comes up to me with a cup of water and she raises the head of the bed so I'm sitting up a bit. She hands me the cup and I drink it quickly. It feels so good to have something cool go down my throat, it had felt so dry and I was thirsty. My coughing dies down and I take another gulp of water.

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