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You turned the page ever so delicately. Thank you for being ever so thoughtful to not rip or damage my old self. The damn pages have always been stained with various ink blots and beige blobs of tea spilled around the chapters. A pain. But a wise man once said, "it is what it is".  One can not change the past but one has the choice of being able to not define as the past. You are in control of everything don't forget that. Even if you overthink it is it worth it when you're going to be a.. actually what are you going to be? You're either what you want to be or you're a being who is lost and decided to let curiousness get the best of them and read this battered book. Charmed I must say. Maybe in spite of all people there is something good in them. Like you, reader. Blessed you may be matter what ever age, matter what you define as, matter what you believe in, matter what gender race, you truly are a good person. All we do is get older and we all have an expiration date however, make the most of it turn another page we haven't got all day. Your smile right now makes me fall in love with every page you turn.

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