Chapter 6 The loss

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(Few hours later)

Felix woke up to a big head ace he sat up and saw that Roger, 049, Abby, Clara, 999, and Crystal where awake but he couldn't see 035.

He asked "hey where's 035, I can't see him".

Crystal said "oh he's over here".

He looked to where she pointed and saw 035 on an nearby table so Felix guessed that his host had faded out while they were all out he then saw that there was some kind of robot like thing near Crystal.

He asked "hey what's that for"?

Crystal said "oh well I just thought that 035 could use something to move around without using a human so I built this for him with the material that we landed on it must have broken our fall".

Roger said "yeah I think that was the first time that anyone had ever gone down to the bottom and it must have shot us up in to a random part of the faculty and if it wasn't for this material that fall would have been fatal".

Clara then said "hey mind if I bring up some watercolor talk as the girls in the break room call it".

Roger said "why not I think I might need something to calm me down after what just happened".

Clara said "well their where rumors going around about the 05 council that their keeping secrets about the scarlet kings first born child that it's alive and out there somewhere".

Roger said "who in their right mind is spreading a rumor like that around here I certain that might just be some dumb lie to turn us on the 05".

049 and Felix looked at each other and they could both tell that both of them knew what the other was thinking

If only Roger knew that the scarlet kings fist born child was standing in the room with them.

Crystal then said "hey I hate to interrupt but we've got more important stuff to do then worry about some demons child ok now the robot for 035 is done all I got to do is put him on it and we can get moving".

She then put 035 on the robot and he took control of it.

He then said "not as good as a human host but just as good".

Crystal said "yeah I tried my best to build it I'm not much of a mechanic but I did learn something's from my old college roommate".

049 said "that's nice to here now let's carry on and find 173".

Roger said "yeah let's do that".

Then they all continued down the hall hoping to find 173 as they walked them then heard someone coming to them Clara raised her gun but thankfully it wasn't an SCP it was a man.

Crystal's adventure with the SCP founation Book 1Where stories live. Discover now