𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 𝕰𝖑𝖊𝖛𝖊𝖓: 𝕻𝖑𝖆𝖓𝖘

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Annabeth is sitting in the chair in the living room. Percy and Anne were fast asleep. The day is slowly creeping by and Annabeth's thoughts will not subside. She runs through fifteen scenarios in twenty minutes.

Her brain manages to come up with scenarios about them getting killed, moments with Percy that will never happen, and none of them were helpful.

Annabeth is supposed to be the brains. She is racking her brain to come up with a plan that won't get them killed.

"You're thinking too hard," Percy murmurs from the couch.

Annabeth rolls her eyes. "You don't know what I'm thinking about."

He sits up and rubs his eyes. "Yeah, but whenever you are super focused or overthinking, you pinch your eyebrows together."

"How do you know that?" she asks.

Percy shrugs one of his shoulders. "I was a houseboy for six months and you always did your homework at the kitchen table."

Annabeth glances at him before staring at her hands again. "Why didn't you ever talk to me? I mean, I was always so nice to you, but you never started a conversation, it was always me."

He sighs. "When your father brought me in the first thing he said to me was to stay away from you. He said he had a daughter who needed to focus on school and was already set up with someone. He said if I was caught speaking to you there would be consequences, so I tried not to."

"But you responded to me anyway."

"How could I ignore you?" he asks.

Anne shifts and sits up. "What time is it?" she asks sleepily.

Annabeth shifts in her seat, trying to clear her mind of her conversation with Percy. "The sun set a few hours ago," she says simply. "We should probably wait a little while longer before leaving though."

"Well duh," Anne says. "The guards don't go on their break until 12:15. If we get caught, we are all dead. I'm positive that most of Norwich is looking for us since we broke someone out of prison and your father, the head of the Magistrates, and Luke, the son of the person who wanted your father's job. I came out of nowhere and a few weeks after being here, you disappear, as do I, with Percy, and Luke and your dad are dead. I am a prime suspect as are you."

"I'm pretty sure I know what's happening. You know, since I was there." Annabeth holds back an eye roll. "Do you have a plan, Ms. 'I'm better than everyone and clearly smarter but not really'?"

"You need to work on your insults."
Annabeth sighs. "I know, I'm not used to insulting girls." She glances at Percy. "However if you ever do anything that's worth a few words I have a bank of insults with your name on them."

Percy cocks his head. "I don't even want to know."

"That's probably wise," Anne says. "I've heard some of the things she's said to her dad and I'm surprised that he didn't beat her for it."

"He would have," Annabeth says. "But when I was born, my mother made him swear an oath he wouldn't. He was a piece of lard but he kept his word."

Someone starts banging on the front door.

"You two, hide," Anne says. "It's dark and they're less likely to recognise me than you."

Annabeth leads Percy out of the room and Anne pulls on an apron and answers the door. "Good evening, officer," she says, raising her voice to sound more feminine and clueless. "It's quite late, is everything alright?"

He tips his hat and Anne recognises him as the man Annabeth sent to get tea. "There are three civilians who are running on foot. We have reason to believe two of them are armed and dangerous, the other is a thief."

"Oh my. What do they look like? Maybe I saw them."

"Two have black hair, and the last girl is a blonde. The Magistrate's daughter, Annabeth." He looks at her closely. "What are you doing up this late?"

"Oh, my husband insists I stay up until he arrives home in the evening so he can have his way with me," Anne explains smoothly. "He works the night shift as a guard for Mr. Castellan. Do you know him?"

"Ma'am, Mr. Castellan was found dead in his house earlier this evening. That's why Annabeth and her thief are the top priority."

Anne sighs. "Well, I didn't see anyone, but if I do I'll be sure to phone the police."

The man tips his hat again. "Thank you for being so cooperative." He pauses. "Who did you say your husband was."

Anne smiles. "Peter," she says, knowing that was the name of Frederick's guard as she mentally pats herself on the back for researching that.

"Have a good evening, ma'am." The man walks away and Anne calls out for Annabeth and Percy.

When they walk into the living room, she smiles and says, "I have a plan."

The Bread Thief | Percabeth | Victorian Era AUWhere stories live. Discover now