The Muggle Life

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"Harry," I look over towards my boyfriend with a raised eyebrow and didn't say anything. "Why did I agree to this?" He pouted. He is not being a happy camper and I'll tell you why.

We had a bet.


I was laying in bed with my boyfriend, Draco Malfoy, curled up against me. He was wearing one of my shirts and pair of boxers and I've never seen someone so perfect in my life. Well, almost perfect.

I'm not going to lie, my boyfriend can be a pain in the ass when it comes to certain things. Wether it comes to me asking for help with something or giving him a list of things to do when I'm gone. And he can use magic if he really wanted to; which he ended up doing. He still complains though and says it's too much work, but in reality it only takes a flick of his wand and he's done.

The peaceful prince right next to me can be a nightmare. And I mean a real nightmare. But I still love him. He's the light in my darkness and I wouldn't change it for the world. I love my sassy ferret, but I'm craving a challenge for the blonde laying right next to me.

I guess it's now time to wake the beast.

"Draco," I whispered to him and stroking his hair. He loves when I wake him up like this, but he doesn't really like being woken up at all. "Come on ferret. It's time to wake up babe." The blonde groaned at the mention of waking up and mumbled into the pillow an unrecognizable 'no'. "I'm sorry Draco, but you have to wake up."

He turned towards me with half of the pillow in his face and the other half revealing his beautiful face. "What do you want?" He mumbled. I could tell he was very annoyed. "I'm off for months until Hogwarts starts up again, so what could you possibly want with me at the moment?"

I chuckled at my boyfriend. He responds this to me every day during the summer. That or he complains on how I didn't wake him up when I should have. He's ridiculous I swear.

Draco works at Hogwarts as the potions teacher and I'm an aura that works at the Ministry. They usually try and give me long breaks during the summer, but sometimes it's hard because of the rogue Death Eaters that are out there. Yeah, they're still out there.

"Were you called into work? Is that why you're waking me up?" My boyfriend's eyes shined with sadness. He doesn't like me working because it's either one, dangerous, or two, takes up, what Draco likes to call, 'Harry time'.

"No," I told him with a smile. He pouted. That cute, adorable, pout that I can never resist to kiss. So, that's what I did. That got him to smile, but didn't stop from him questioning on why I woke him up at this ungodly hour. It was at least ten in the morning. "I want to make a bet with you."

He made a face saying, 'are you actually kidding me'. "A bet?"


"What kind of bet are we talking about?"

"One where you have to live like a muggle for a full month. No magic. No nothing."

He just sat there thinking. Was he considering it, or was he thinking how dumb I am for even suggesting the idea?

"What do I get if I win?" He raised his eyebrow in consideration. Was he actually going to go with this idea? But of course he wanted something out of it, so I guess I'm not too surprised with this one.

I shrugged. "What do you want?"

He gave me a look that said, 'oh you just fucked up on this one my dude', but that's something Draco would never say, but his face did say something like that.

"I actually do want something," he gave me a sly grin. "And that something is that you would have to do whatever I say for two whole months. Prep me head to toe is what you would have to do if I win this bet."

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