[>Chapter One<]

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/\/Third Person\/\

That night Izuku went to bed after watching some videos about heroes, and barely being able to make out the videos through the tears in his eyes

Izuku woke up the next morning, feeling slightly anxious, wondering how his friends would treat him, since he was quirkless.

He took a deep, calming breath. They wouldn't treat him any differently, I mean, they were friends!



Shaking away those dark thoughts, he got ready for school as any other child would, brushing his hair and teeth, before getting dressed for the day.

Walking into the kitchen, he greeted his mother, who greeted him the same as always. If Izuku didn't know any better, he would say there was nothing wrong.

But he did know better.

Izuku noticed all the little details.

He noticed the slight slump in her posture.

The sluggishness of her movements, which were once fast and precise.

The barely concealed tear tracts behind her makeup.

The moisture that yearned to be realeased from the hold of her eyes.

The fact that her hair was unbrushed and thrown into a haphazard ponytail, which was once neat and tidy at all times.

Izuku didn't do much of anything with these observations. I mean, he was just a kid, what was he supposed to do?

Do he did the only thing he could do.

He gave his mother a big, heartwarming, calming smile.

A smile that meant everything would be fine.

A smile that promised peace and prosperity and safety.

A smile that little Izuku practised everyday.

Because he knew he would need that smile one day.

A heroes smile.

Because regardless of the fact that he was quirkless, he knew he would be a hero.

There was simply no other option in his young, over analytic mind.

But he understood he would have to work twice as much.

Thrice as hard.

Four times faster than his peers.

And he was okay with it.

Because to become a hero, Izuku would do anything, he would go above and beyond, and would surpass everyone else.

If it meant he could save people, he would do anything.

Finishing his American breakfast of scrambled eggs, a recipe his mother had learned when on tour in America, he made his way to the living room, grabbed his simple yellow backpack with a notebook or two, and some pencils in it, and, with a farewell shared with his mother, was off to school.

He walked a block or so to the preschool, knowing that they would want to know his quirk, and would make fun of him for his lack of a quirk.

But it was okay.

Anything to be a hero.

Arriving at his school, he put his shoes and backpack in his cubby, before taking a place on the carpet.

Everyone was sharing what their quirks were, showing them off and either bragging or praising everyone else.

Thankfully, none of his friends were there yet, so he had a chance to examine his classmates quirks.

And he did exactly that for the next fifteen minutes, until Kaachan arrived a couple of minutes before he would be late to school.

Looking around the room, he spotted Izuku and made a beeline straight for him.

"Kaachan!" Izuku exclamied happily,"What quirk did you get?"

Kaachan grinned at him, letting off explosions in his hands,"It's called Explosion! It lets me light the sweat in my hands on fire, causing it to explode!"

Izuku gaped at him. That was insanely good! Before he had a chance to inform him exactly how good that quirk was, the teacher walked over, causing everyone to quiet down.

"Welcome back class!" Exclaimed the teacher, "now, I know your all excited about your new quirks, so let's go around the room, and share our quirks with the class!"

Everybody cheered, and they started going around the room, starting with Kaachan, and moving away from Izuku.

Well, I guess I'm going to have to kill the mood at the end, huh?

As they went around, Izuku did not miss the opportunity, cataloging all the information given to him, and saving it for later.

Though, all good things come to an end, and eventually they circled back to poor Izuku, who was suddenly very nervous, before he took a calming breath and cleared his throat.

"I'm quirkless." He announced it before he could loose the small amount of courage he had.


Dead. Silence.

Then everybody burst into laughter, pointing at him and laughing, while Izuku mentally frowned. Didn't these people wish to become heroes?

Well, either way, Kaachan was not among those laughing, he looked confused and lost, before his face hardened, and he whispered,"Meet me after school, the playground." To Izuku.

Well, thought Izuku, Guess the only option is to wait until after school.


It was after school, and Izuku was going to meet Katsuki.

He got there, and saw Kaachan sitting on a bench, back turned to him.

"Kaachan?" Came the nervous question from Izuku.

"Is it true?" questioned Kaachan.

"Is what true?"

"Are you really quirkless?"

Izuku was a little startled, but not at all surprised. "Yes Kaachan, but that doesn't mean I can't be a hero as well!"

Kaachan tsked, got up, and walked away.

Izuku started walking after him,"Kaachan wait-"

Katsuki launched a medium sized explosion at Izuku, which Izuku barely dodged."Stay away from me, you worthless, quirkless, freak!"

Izuku was stunned, and as a result, didn't even try to stop Katsuki at he walked away.

Did... Did I just lose my best friend?

932 words

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