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Since long ago, Xi Ying could see only one thing , an endless darkness. He didn't know how long  it has been from the time he went unconscious due to his injury, but he was sure that a lot of time has passed.The time they were waiting for was coming soon. The time he couldn't waste in any situation, he was losing it in such a helpless way.
As much as he knew, his injury was not this serious. The arrow hit him in his chest, just near his heart. He would have died then and there if the archer hit him successfully in his heart. The archer was a very trained person. But he was fated to live that day.  Since he didn't get shot in his heart, he was sure he would be saved.

He had not thought that things would become like this. Everything was going fine. He was on his way to set everything according to their plan with his shadow guards. What he didn't expected was the sudden attack. Around twenty to thirty fighters attacked them together and all of them knew martial arts. It was fine as he and his shadow guards were able to fight with them. But there were archers hidden behind the trees. Amidst all this , when he was not focused an arrow suddenly hit him. All that followed after this was an endless darkness.

After some days, he could feel that he was alive. He could feel whenever his shadow guard, An Ping or any physician came to check on him. But he couldn't open his eyes even after many tries. He tried to move his body, but he couldn't move. His body was not listening to his mind. He never felt this helpless in his life.

Xi Ying thought that after getting up from this bed , first of all he would find the person behind this attack on them.

Like everyday, An Ping came to check on him. The physician checked his pulse, cleaned his wound and informed An Ping about no change in his condition.

But, today different from everyday's routine, after An Ping left he felt one more presence in the room. Since the person was alone , Xi Ying was not sure if he was sent by An Ping .As he remincise the last attack , Xi Ying thought that this person could be here to kill him. In that case, he needed to save himself. When he was trying to think what should he do , the man put his hand on Xi Ying's forehead and he couldn't think anything else. Suddenly he saw some rays of light within his closed eyes and heard three words

" As you wish ."

After all this , that endless darkness came again. Like the light was his own hallucination.

But after a few seconds, Xi Ying suddenly found himself on his legs at a familiar place .This place was one of the courtyard in his manor. It was surrounded by plum trees. Plum Courtyard, The most isolated courtyard like a cold place in his manor. On seeing the courtyard, Xi Ying remembered the person residing here.

Hearing some movements, Xi Ying turned around only to come across a face he had not see in four years. However, it had not changed in this long time but have become more beautiful. Those clear and calm eyes , which once made him a fool were still same.

And the owner of those eyes and a beautiful face was his wangfei , Li Rui.

The wangfei he despised from the depth of his heart.

The wangfei he despised from the depth of his heart

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