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Without any change in her expression, Li Rui gave a small smile to Li Caihong. But, her next words changed Li Caihong's victorious expression to a bitter one.

"It seems like my third younger sister is very Idle to pass her time with such useless rumors."

After saying this to Li Caihong, she turned to Yi Jie.

"Mother, you need not worry. Xi Ling is fine. He is just having normal fever and will be healthy soon."

Li Yi Jie patted her daughter's hand and tried to ease the awkward atmosphere.

"Nanny Liang, Go and tell the kitchen's maidservant to serve the dishes. Rui, I asked them to make your favorite dishes. Let's have something Child. "

As Li Yi Jie stepped ahead with everyone else to go to the Dining room, Li Rui intentionally slowed down her steps to close the distance between herself and Li Caihong, Li Na. Her maids Li Hua and Li Mei followed her.

Seeing her, Li Na smiled and greeted her.

"Greetings, First sister. Do not mind Caihong's words. You know how she is."

Li Caihong frowned at Li Na's words but didn't say anything. Li Rui maintained her smile and took one step closer towards both of them.

"Then shouldn't second younger sister be responsible and teach third younger sister to shut her mouth if she can't speak anything good."

Li Hua and Li Mei snickered at their mistress' words which made Li Caihong glare at them. Li Na held her hand to stop her from doing anything and looked at Li Rui.

"As an elder, shouldn't sister be generous to us younger ones ? "

Li Rui passed a very cold smile to her sisters at these words. She was wearing a light blue-colored dress that showed only a small part of her neck. But the visible part of the skin looked so white in contrast to the clothing. A small red dot was drawn in the mid of her eyebrows. As she was smiling coldly with her clear bright black eyes, Xi Ying thought that his wangfei looked very cute. Her next words shocked not only the two younger sisters but him as well.

" Do I need to tell you about my generosity? I am very willing as long as you feel comfortable with me telling First Uncle how both of you drugged me four years ago at the Place's banquet and sent a man to play with my chastity. Do we want me to do this, my younger sisters? "

Li Na and Li Caihong's faces went pale at her words. Li Na soon composed herself and feigned a confused face.

" What are you talking ab..? "

Before she could complete her sentence Li Rui had already stepped forward to go inside.

" Second sister, how does she know? "

Li Na glared at Li Caihong to shut her mouth.

However, the work was done. Li Rui didn't know what power her words had. And Xi Ying had never thought that his one visit to Li Mansion would change his perception of the wangfei he had since four years.

Xi Ying followed Li Rui in a daze. Just one sentence was repeating in his brain.

" Both of you drugged me and sent a man to play with my chastity. "

With every repetition, his heartbeat fastened and at the end of the sentence, his fist and jaw clenched in fury.

Even if he didn't want to believe these words, he couldn't do so now. He was looking at the pale faces of both the sisters and their stuttering after Li Rui's words. Their every action was telling him that they really did this. And Li Caihong's last words, about how Li Rui knew all of this, were just a nail on the head. The last confirmation he needed.

Li Rui knew this. Then why didn't she tell him when he had asked her four years ago.

Like his subconscious mind answered him instantly.

' If she had told him, would he have believed her? He didn't ask, he had accused her at that time. '

But the way things were going at that time naturally made him believe that Li Rui was behind all of the things.

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