part one

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I turned off the car, sighing as my day was long and tiring. After a year and a half of secrecy, I finally told my mother about Harry. She was upset to say the least, and I don't blame her. I kept a relationship hidden from her for the longest time just because I was scared of her reaction. However after the initial shock, she was giddy about it, making me promise she could meet him soon

Despite the fact that it all worked out in the end, im mentally exhausted from everything. I just want to go inside, take a nap, eat dinner and go to bed. It feels like all the sleep in the world couldn't cure my tiredness. However i know cuddling in harry's sweatshirt and laying my head on his chest will work just as well

I click the lock button on my keys and trudge up the same set of wooden stairs, each one creaking in a different octave as I get closer to the top. I slide the metal key into the hole, my bag slipping off my shoulder

Harry won't be home for another hour which gives me a nice amount of time to wind down as best i can. Maybe some hot tea or even a cozy shower. That sounds pretty nice right about now

As I push the door open, I instantly notice the lights are on. Dim, but still on. In front of me, just a few feet, Harry sits on the couch. But Harry is not what catches my attention. Its whats sat on top of him that takes me by surprise

The old wooden guitar, still shiny and cared for, that he has kept locked in its case under the bed for years, is adorning his lap. I also notice his eyes trained solely on my face, and there's a hint of nervousness hidden in them

I drop my bag to the floor with a thump, opening my mouth to question what he's doing. But before any sound can leave, he strums a chord, followed by another, and another, and another

Then, after the melodic tune has found a steady pace, he begins to sing. His sweet angelic voice ringing in my ears, making me want to melt into the floor, and simultaneously ink the noise into my arm

If i could fly, i'd be coming right back home to you

I think i might give up everything just ask me to

Pay attention i hope that you're listening

'Cause i let my guard down

Right now i'm completely defenceless

My lips part slightly as I slowly sink to the coffee table in front of him. He's still watching me intently, the nerves slowly fading into passion

For your eyes only, i show you my heart

For when you're lonely

And forget who you are

I'm missing half of me when we're apart

Now you know me

For your eyes only

Then he closes his eyes tightly, the vein in his neck more prominent as he focuses on his song

I've got scars

Even though they can't always be seen

And pain gets hard             

But now youre here and i don't feel a thing

His fingers strum his guitar delicately, making my heart beat hard against my chest. I can feel it in my throat watching him in the dimly lit living room

His dark brown curls fall slightly over his scrunched eyes as he continues to serenade me with a tune i've never heard before

He finishes the last verse, and strums the last chord, finally meeting me eyes as the last sentence leaves his lips "now you know me. For your eyes only"

"Harry" I whisper, leaning in slowly to press my forehead against his. He closes his eyes when we make contact. I can feel his pulse beating rapidly against me as his hot breath fans my lips delicately

"I wrote it for you," he says so quietly, I'm not sure if I heard him correctly. The only response I can muster is a smile. He puts his finger under my chin and slowly meets his lips with mine, leaving a sweet taste on my tongue

"What's all this for?' i ask once we've separated

He swallows hard, closing his eyes to regain composure. I wait patiently as he removes the guitar strap from around his back and leans it against the end of the couch. It isn't until he pulls both of my hands into his that he finally regains eye contact

"I wanted to tell you something and- well music is the only way i knew how" he admits timidly

"What did you want to tell me?" I ask. The suspense is killing me. I'm almost positive it's going to be something bad, i can just feel it. Maybe it was a goodbye song or maybe he's found someone knew or maybe it was his way of accusing me of something

Before i have too much time to analyze it, i get my answer

"I love you"

My eyes widen at his words. After a year and a half of being in a relationship, he finally said it. Words I was too afraid to say myself because I didn't know how he would react. But now that he's telling me them himself, i think it's safe to admit it myself

"I- i love you too" i say, wrapping my pointer and middle fingers around the curls at the nape of his neck

He smiles, his dimples softly popping into his cheeks, and leaning forward to capture my lips once again. And this time, i move to the couch to accommodate him better 


*sigh* tbsl

anyways yeah, cant wait to start writing breakup drama. my fav part of any story tbh 

- ev 

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