II -3- II

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Jeff and Matt walks out of the airport, to see the paparazzi and flashing cameras in their faces, they hated Paparazzi. Everyone did.

They kept ignoring them until they finally made it to their car, they put their bags in the trunk and got in the car.

Matt got into the driver's seat and Jeff got into the Passenger seat.

" Fuck, Man these people are crazy. "

" They're just doing their job. " Matt said with his eyes glued on the road.

" i know, but they know we're going to ignore them anyway, so why can't they just leave us alone. "

" Tell me about it, anyway. You know that dad is bringing a friend to his house to meet us today right? "

" Yeah, you told me. But please tell me his friend isn't bringing with him a girl for me to see for a marriage "

" First, his friend is a woman. Second i don't know but mostly that's what he is doing. Man Jeff dad just wants to see you settled down. "

" How about you get married first? " he rolled his eyes.

" I am already engaged, Jeff. "

" And i don't want to marry anyone now, and actually if I'm going to marry someone it won't be that way. "

" You should sit down with Dad and tell him that, but try as hard as you can not to get him mad or upset, the doctor said it's not healthy for him right now. "

" Yeah I won't, we will be just discussing. "

" I know you two will end up fighting, but I'm willing to see an agreement. "



" Edy? Edy? Wake up. " Beth shouted at Edy so she would wake up.

" Yes Mom? Please let me sleep. I had a late shift last night. " Edy whined

" Remember we have to go Gilbert's today, we can't go late. "

" Mom, please. " Edy begged.

" No, you have five minutes to get up. " her mom said and walked out of the door.

Edy can tell she was so excited to see her old friend and she was happy for her, but she still needed some time to sleep.

" Don't get in my mom's way when she's excited about something. " Edy mumbles to herself as she gets up from bed and walks to the bathroom. She takes a nice shower and brushes her teeth, brushes her hair and gets out of the bathroom.

She walks downstairs to her mother, " I'm up, mom. "

Her mom turns around to her, she looks alot different with the make up and the eyebrows.. " Who are you? And what did you do to my mother? " Edy joked.

" is it too much? Do I look overrated? " Her mother asked worried about her look.

" Nope, you still look beautiful mom. " Edy said smiling,  " So when are we heading to Uncle Gilbert's?  "

" In two hours. "

" Two hours? And you didn't let me sleep for another ten minutes? "

" Yes, because I need you to get ready. "

" Mom, i don't take five minutes getting dressed. "

" Good for you. But today is a little different. "

" What do you mean by today is a little different? " Edy asked with her eyebrows raised.

" Not the eyebrows. " Her mom warned, " Listen Edy, you grew up and so i am. "

Forced . I Jeff Hardy IWhere stories live. Discover now