revenge is a dish best served cold (and sweet)

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Yeji is the worst friend she's ever had, Ryujin decides.

Okay, that's obviously an exaggeration, but it doesn't change the fact that Ryujin has began to dread walking home from school with Yeji everyday. During the first few times, it was okay, exciting even, because walking with someone is definitely way better than going alone. 

However, recently, Yeji has made a habit of getting ice cream on the way home. At first, Ryujin didn't mind taking that small detour to the ice cream shop near their school, even more so because her friend always pays for both of their orders. It was a welcome treat back when the weather was warm to moderate. 

However, even now, during the coldest time of the year, Yeji still insists on having ice cream every freaking day, and Ryujin is beginning to hate being dragged into this absurdity.

(The thought of simply cutting ties with Yeji as a solution has crossed Ryujin's mind so many times, but then she remembers that Yeji is her crush's best friend, so that plan is off the table. It serves Ryujin right for having ulterior motives, really.)

It's kind of impressive, how Yeji always manages to give Ryujin a different reason for eating a frozen food when the weather is so cold that Ryujin feels like she's frozen herself, although all of these reasons are flimsy as heck. 

Ryujin knows the real reason why Yeji keeps going to the shop is because she finds the girl behind the counter cute, but Yeji still makes an effort to give Ryujin a whole lot of weak excuses, anyway.

Today is not going to be any different, and Yeji's wide smile as she approaches Ryujin's seat once they're dismissed from their last class makes Ryujin certain of that.

"Don't say it," Ryujin warns.

"Let's go for ice cream today," Yeji says, ignoring Ryujin's command.

Ryujin groans and buries her face in her hands, letting out a muffled grunt, "Seriously, what is wrong with you?"

"It's my treat. Why are you complaining?"

Ryujin drops her hands back onto her table before seething, "Because it's winter. If I wanted to eat ice, I would just go outside and stick out my tongue."

"Why don't you just sit and wait while I eat, then?" Yeji proposes. "Nobody's forcing you to eat with me."

"Because ice cream is food," Ryujin answers like it's self-explanatory, but Yeji only stares at her blankly, making Ryujin elaborate, "I can't say no to free food, Yeji. That's like my motto in life."

"Oh, right, I should have known that by now," Yeji nods. "I won't treat you anymore, then. I'll just buy one for myself."

"Or you can just save me from the daily torture by asking Chaeryeong out," Ryujin suggests, bringing up the girl at the ice cream shop. "Is all of this really necessary?"

Poor, sweet Yeji can only pout like she's disappointed in herself, too. "Look, it's not that easy, okay?"

"Yes, it is!" Ryujin claims. "Just approach her and instead of asking for ice cream, tell her you like her and ask for her number! Easy freaking peasy."

"Oh, yeah?" Yeji says, unconvinced. "Okay, then. I'll tell her if you tell Lia."

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