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⚠️TW: Abuse⚠️

     I slowly open my eyes and I see the ceiling, then I blink a couple of time to regain my focus. I sit up in my bed and I pull the blanket off of me, instantly regretting it because its freezing in my room. I swing my legs over the side of my bed and I slowly stand up and stretches my arms above my head. My arms.
I look at them full of wounds covered by dried blood and all sorts of bruises, then I hear a big crash in the kitchen so I run out of my room and down the hall, into the kitchen. My two younger brothers were clinging onto each other as they stare at my mom in terror. A plate was shattered by their feet and my mom was standing a few feet away from them, she was panting and had hair covering her face. I walk over to my two brothers and I rest one hand on each of their heads and I lean down close to them.
"Mommy threw the plate.."
My youngest brother says.
"I know it's ok, go to your rooms ok? I'll clean this up."
I tell them before they both nod and they run off to their rooms and I crouch down and I start to pick up the glass shards, collecting them in my hand. My mom grabs my hair and she pulls me up to my feet, I let out  a whimper as she does so.
"What the fuck do you think you're doing? You dont tell those boys what to do and you're not going to clean up their messes"
I look her in the eyes, I hate her.
"This is your mess."
She then let's go of my hair and I grab her shoulders and I push her against the fridge door, making magnets fall off and clattering on the floor. She grunts in pain and my eyes start to well up with tears.
"You're not going to treat us like this anymore!"
I shout at her and my voice cracks.
She grabs my wrist with a death grip and starts dragging me down the hall, leading me to a door, a door that none of us, but my mom has entered. She opens and throws me inside, then shuts the door, leaving me in the dark; it was cold and wreaked of rotting animals or something. Got up to my feet and started to walk around to try and find something, anything. I felt something hit my forehead then I reached my hand up to grasp it, it was a string so I pull it and a light flickers on. The walls were made of big stones and the the ground was loose gravel, and the room was empty except for one trap door right in the middle. I slowly walk over to it then I lean down and grasps the handle then I slowly lift the door up and open. I look down a hole, big enough to fit two people if they were laying down and about 6 feet deep. My eyes meet with another set of eyes, he was a young man, he had brown unkept hair, and a little bit of stubble on his chin, he was really quite handsome. I get on my knees, without saying a word and I reach my hand down as far as I could, then he grabs onto mine and I pull him up with the best of my abilities and he climbs up the wall, then he grabs the edge of the hole and I continue to pull him out. He gets out and sits on the floor beside me as I sit there panting, he then looks at me.
"We have to do something about your mother."
He says in a firm tone.
(N/A yall he was so hot you dont even know-)
I nod in agreement then we both stand up and walks to the door, I try the nob but it was locked what a surprise. Then the man grabs the handle and I hear a click, and he turns the knob opening the door. I look at him shocked and he presses a finger to his lips, I smile a little and nod, making it our little secret. I slowly creep out of the room with him following close behind me, and we walk down the hall into the kitchen. My mom whips her head around and glares at me.
"How did you get out!? You little brat, now you're really going to get it."
She storms towards me and I clench my hand into a fist and I pull my arm back, before swinging my fist towards her face, I then punch her in the jaw and she falls to the floor, groaning in pain. I grab her wrists and I start to drag her across the floor, and down the hall, heading towards that room. She screams at me and kicks but I just grip her wrists tighter. I drag her into the room and the guy shuts the door behind us.
"No no no! Dont do this!!"
My mom bags, but my face stays emotionless as I pull her closer to the hole, then I stop right before the hole. I take a deep breath in then I let go of her wrists and uses my foot to push her into the hole. She screams but stops when she hits the ground, then she brings herself to her feet, and looks up at me.
"Please honey I'm begging you. I'll get you anything you want and I'll never hurt you or your brothers again ok? We can start over......"
I stop paying attention to what shes saying as a tall slim girl with long black, stringy, hair that goes over her face approaches my mom from behind. The girl was wearing a dirty ripped up night gown, and she looked- from what I could see- about 25 to 30. My mom was still looking up at me, bagging and pleading, I was confused where the girl came from but I just watched as the girl grabs the front of my mom's face, as she slowly looked up at me, she looked like a zombie, but still beautiful. She then grabbed the back of my moms head and my mom stopped talking. Then in one swift motion the girl twisted my moms head, all you could here was a snap coming from her neck. My moms eyes were wide and mouth wide open as the girl let go of her head and she fell to the ground. I grab the handle to the trap door and I look at the girl once more then she slowly backs up, still keeping eye contact with me as she phased through the wall off the hole. I close the trap door and looks up at the guy and he smiles at me before fading away.

Yep my dreams are fucked up, and I was the main character obviously and this was all in first person 😬
Anyway thanks for reading!

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