Life was back to Normal. It had been 2 days since Aditi had teased Riya. Thankfully the girl had got some senses and had stopped her childish acts and was putting all her focus on the new project at hand. Much to Riya's relief.

It was a usual day. Riya had gotten ready, had her breakfast and was ready to leave for office when suddenly Sheena asked her stop.

"Bachche aaj ofc mat ja. Don't go to office today dear." Sheena said casually while sorting the utensils kept on the dining table.

"Umm why?" Riya questioned her.

"Some guests are coming for lunch." Sheena answered vaguely.

"What guests?" Riya asked but before Sheena could answer she added "Anyways you and Papa are here to host them. My presence is not required. I'll head to office." Riya picked her office bag from the table ready to leave.

Riya had hardly taken 4 to 5 steps when she heard her mother's voice. "A prospective groom and his family are coming to meet you."

Riya at once stopped. A strange kind of fear ran through her body making her shiver slightly. She knew she had to face this day at some point in her life but she hadn't expected it to be this soon.

Nevertheless keeping her calm she said "I am not ready for marriage."

Sheena, who had herself been dreading this conversation, went close to Riya, held her hand and in a very casual tone said "Who is asking you to get married so soon...........just meet them for now."

Riya turned and gave her mother a disappointed look which Sheena avoided by avoiding looking at her. She pretended to be busy in giving instructions to the house help about what all was needed to be done for the lunch.

"I am not meeting anyone." Riya declared and started walking towards the main door when Sheena grabbed her hand again and pulled her towards the couch making her sit.

"Just listen to me once............. what's the harm in just meeting them and I have heard that the guy is really handsome......You might like him" Sheena tried to convince her daughter only to get an eye roll in return.

"Moreover now we have invited them and it would look so bad on our part if you don't show up so............please..........pretty please." Sheena added to which Riya gave a stern look but when her mother kept on looking at her with those cute puppy dog eyes she gave a defeated sigh. "It is not fair." Riya said with a serious face.

"I know............." Sheena said her eyes casted on her hands resting on her laps. "It's alright if you don't want to meet them..........we will make an excuse......" Sheena said getting up from the couch.

"Ok fine..........but you will not force me to do anything against my will." Riya demanded in a stern voice. Sheena nodded her head excitedly.

She was so happy that ignoring her daughter's slightly angry face she at once held her chin and placed a kiss on her cheek melting Riya's anger then and there.

There was a reason why she was the life of the house. Everyone gave into her demands, eventually.


Riya was ready in the blue salwar-kameez that her mother had brought for her, her make-up to the minimal. She was not the one who loved to groom herself. She never bothered to look at herself in the mirror let alone spending time on herself.

It was Aditi who had forced her to learn basic grooming skills because as professionals they needed to look presentable. So that was it.

Apart from using make-up to hide her dark circles, Riya didn't know what else to do with it and since it was not a professional meeting she didn't feel the need of applying it.

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