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║"Guys stop flirting and look" FaceMaker pointed to the TV which showed the news about their parents. Y/N blushed randomly and hid her face into her arms. Wildcard did too but tried to not pay attention to that.

'You know this is an epic Heroic smackdown event when they've called in Sharkboy!'  the TV said

"Yeah!" Everyone cheered

'Earlier today, Sharkboy appeared from the ocean depths, landing on the beach of South Padre Island. And moments later, Lavagirl blasted up from inside an active volcano.' the TV announcers smiled 

"Go Sharkboy and Lavagirl!" Guppy cheered and A Capella patted Guppys back

'She's from the Earth's core. And here's Mayor Doolittle at today's ribbon cutting for his new city hall, rebuilt after the last time the Heroics went into action.' the other TV announcer said gleefully. A quick blur was seen then it cut the ribbon

 'Did you see that? Of course you didn't. That means it's none other than Blinding Fast, the fastest Heroic on the planet.' One of the TV announcers finished

"Go, Dad!" Slow-Mo says very slowly

'And here comes Crushing Low!'  A man crashes into the building. many peoples faces turn annoyed but FaceMaker laughed

'And there goes the mayor's new building in record time. These battles are insanely expensive for taxpayers, but so entertaining.'

"Pass the popcorn." Y/N whispered to Slow-Mo 

"This battle's gonna be epic!" Wildcard looked over at Y/N who was still waiting for Slow-Mo to pass the popcorn.  Wildcard grew impatient and snatched it sending a couple popcorn kernels flying.

"Huh impatient much" Y/N grabbed some popcorn.

"A thank you would've been nice" Wildcard rolled his eyes

⭒why is Y/N so cute when she's mad?⭒◦  Y/N widened her eyes and looked around wondering where that thought came from.

"You okay?" Wildcard looked at her concerned

"Yeah I just heard someone's thought that's all" Y/N shrugged 

Wildcard froze and looked down "Do you know what they said?" He continued to look down

"Yeah they said why is Y/N so-" Y/N was cut off by the sounds of everyone gasping at the TV

'Oh my God!'  The TV announcer gasped

"No way! No one's ever taken down Miracle Guy!" Noodles yelled at the screen

"Oh my god" Y/N cupped her mouth with her hand tear forming in her eyes

Wildcard looked at her and reached over to rub her back comfortingly

 'It's almost unimaginable, but two of our heroes have been captured by the intruders.'

"I thought the Heroics were unbeatable." Guppy sighed

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