Of Course You Did

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—> Notes: Things are going to be slightly meta. The boys are more out somethings won't happen or maybe because of my memory in the wrong order and ages might be slightly off. Mickey is 25, Ian 24, and Stiles is 23. They all have been dating since Stiles was 17 so six years. Mickey has been to jail but has got his life together and is now a tattoo artist, Ian is stable after some ups and downs and is now an EMT, and finally Stiles has his forensic psychology degree and is now a correctional counselor. Stiles is the only one without a record. No one has gotten married yet, but they will (they are all engaged). There are flash backs and so the ages are a little screwy. They are raising Yev, Franny, and Liam.

Of course, you did

(Stiles is 19, Ian 20, and Mickey 21)

It was a random Friday during senior year when the pack all got together to talk about college options. Derek was standing moodily in the background while the soon to be graduates were sitting around in the living room.

Perhaps it all started out as a joke, but it soon became more. First Lydia said she was going to stay in Calli then Scott, then Kira and soon following Erica and Boyd said they were too. Malia was not going to college but was staying in California none the less. When it finally came to Stiles his smile was brittle and he hesitate.

The laughter soon fell quiet, and Lydia looked at him almost expectantly, "You're staying in Calli right?"

Stiles looked around the room a faint smile on his lips before he looked down at his hands and answered, "Umm no, actually after much consideration I've decided I'm going out of state." Maybe it was the tick of a lie after consideration that set them off or maybe it was the soft look in his eyes, but the pack seemed to realize that Stiles was never going to stay in California.

Scott looked at his lifetime best friend with the saddest of smiles, "I thought we were going to share a dorm? Be brothers for life. Always together."

Stiles cleared his throat and avoided his friend's eyes, "I'm going to school in Chicago actually. It's not you guys it just always been the plan."

Scott's looked at Stiles and gave him a small sad smile, "Is it cause your Uncle Kev is there? I know you always go in the summers and hang out with him for a bit specially these last few years."

Stiles looked at his best friend a slight flush to his cheeks, "Kinda I mean I love Uncle Kev and he has the twins, but you know I love the city."

Lydia looked at him sharpy, "You know the risks of living in a city like that right? It's not Beacon Hills."

Stiles rolled his eyes, "For fucks sakes Lydia I grow up there until I was like seven and I spend holidays there. I know the rules and I know what I'm doing."

Malia looked at them, "How far is Chicago?"

Stiles remembered the first time he felt something for the boys, his boys, he was 16 turning 17 in a week. He had just gotten in and threw his shit on Kev and V's couch before heading over the neighbors. He rushed upstairs so he could grab Ian or Lip to run down to the Kash and Grab for some snacks when he saw Ian banging a boy over the bed, Lip of course nowhere in sight. The other boy caught him and was screaming something about Gallagher's and killing someone.

Stiles took off running down the stairs and out onto the street, even made it a block, before he was tackled to the ground and saw a fist coming for his face. Ian was yelling and suddenly the fist was gone. An if the sight of the red head and blacked boys wasn't the prettiest sight Stiles ever saw. He knew in that moment he was shit out of luck of ever finding anyone else than these two dysfunctional boys.

Within the next week he learned a lot about Ian and Mickey electing them the best to hang out with even if Mickey was constantly telling him to fuck off. He slowly fell for them with no hope of ever getting either. Sure, they were in hiding and rough around the edges, but goddamn were they beautiful. Maybe with luck or some supernatural force on his side, they pulled him aside and in the middle of the ball field they asked him to be their boyfriend. Hell, they even sealed it with a kiss.

Of Course You Did (A Stiles Stilinski x Gallavich Story) {Shameless + TW) Where stories live. Discover now