'Papa! How many times do I have to say not to take your flubber duckies after you bath. It's freaky!' Koko's shout could be heard from the bathroom.

     It was a normal day.

     Well, as normal it can be if your parents are the Sirius Black and Remus Lupin. Cursing and Pranking are the first words that comes to your mind, and yes that's true.

     'It's rubber duckies,' Sirius corrected from downstairs. 'And siriusly, you need to stop that that duck phobia of yours,' Sirius giggled at his own pun. Puns were another thing that went along just fine in the home of the Lupin-Blacks.

     'Haha, really funny, Papa,' Koko laughed dryly at Sirius' dad joke. Koko began pocking the yellow squeaky toy with her hairbrush, afraid it will move if they pocked it too much.

     Koko hated rubber ducks, noone knew why and if someone asked the only response they ever gave was "It's creepy".

     After taking the bath Koko went straight to the table for their breakfast, to Koko's surprise the Potters were already there.

     James and Lily Potter were Koko's godparents. And for Koko they were the best. They were laughing at something Sirius said, when James noticed Koko.

     'Hullo, Koko,' James said waving. Koko smiled and walked over to them taking a seat next to James' and Lily's daughter; Maylene, or more commonly addressed as May.

     May was a short girl with hazel eyes and long flaming red hair. May was an year older than Koko, meaning May had already started attending Hogwarts and was here for her summer break.

     Even though Koko knew May for Koko's entire life, Koko and May weren't at all close. Harry was the one who made both of them interact, but now that Harry was married to Draco Malfoy and being extremely busy, spending time with May had become awkward for Koko. More awkward than before.

     Koko gave a small smile to May before sitting across the red-haired girl. May gave a smile back.

     Koko was applying butter on her toast when Sirius asked to May, 'Prongslette, when are you going to the Weasleys?'

     'Later this afternoon,' May smiled. 'Mrs. Weasley like usual is having some kind of get-together with her six kids and family, as well as Harry, Hermione, and surprisingly me.' 

     'Excited to see Ari and Draco, huh?' Remus laughed. Koko smiled lightly, wondering how different things would have been if Ginny Weasley was still alive.

     'Or maybe it is that boy she's been talking about all summer,' Lily cooed and Sirius smirked, wiggling his eyebrows at May.

     'Aiden is just a friend,' May said, rolling her eyes. Koko looked curiously at the sight of May flustered.

     'Exactly,' James said, glaring at Lily, May looked much more releaved. But then James continued, 'Besides her soulmate is Ryan,' Koko chuckled as May facepalmed. Remus took a sip of his tea.

     'I'll be right back,' Sirius said as he went inside his room.

     'No way it's Aiden. It's Ryan, I'm telling you,' James said the moment Sirius left.

     'It's gonna be Aiden,' Lily argued.






     'QUIET!' Remus yelled, Lily and James fell silent.

      Sirius came with an "Ryan for Win" badges and flags, 'Aww, I missed the fight.'

      'Remember the kid that waved to her that one time...?' Remus started, Lily and James glared, and then again the adults started arguing. Sirius jumping around spreading the chaos.

     'Should we stop them?' May asked, watching this sight with utter embarrassment.

     'I don't think we can,' Koko replied seeing Lily take out her wand.

     It was indeed a normal day.

     Before Lily was able to blast a spell or two, two owls flew through their window and dropped a letter each for May and Koko.

     'Sweet,' said May, 'It's my Hogwarts letter! I didn't think I would be invited back!'

     Koko remembered Lily saying May had got in trouble. A lot of trouble throughout the year.

     Koko trembled a bit opening the letter, as Koko didn't knew if they would be invited or not. Was Koko that special to go to this special school of magic?

     Koko's thoughts were cut short when Sirius quickly snatched the envelope from Koko, tore it and began reading, 'Order of Merlin, yada yada yada, YOU'RE IN!' Sirius exclaimed excited.

     'Papa! I was having a moment!' 

(All quotes are by -drxmxqueen)

"When life gives you lemons, don't always make lemonade, try something new

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"When life gives you lemons, don't always make lemonade, try something new."

Life After The War: The BeginningWhere stories live. Discover now