Koko was in awe as they walked through Diagon Alley. Lily had went with May to the Weasleys, while James stayed with them. "I can't let my goddaughter shop without their awesome godfather!" were his words.

     Remus had left to get Koko's books while they were at Madam Malkin's Robes for All Occasions, Koko was trying out some school robes when they heard someone speaking.

     It was a girl with brown wavy hair, the most unique feature of that girl was that she had two different coloured eyes; one was brown while the other blue.

     'Hullo,' said the girl, 'Hogwarts too?'

     Madam Malkin was standing next to the stool the girl was standing on and was busy pinning the long robe to the right length.

     'Yeah,' Koko said standing on another stool while one witch was pinning the robes Koko wore.

     'I'm Molly Kay Rustle,' the girl introduced herself, 'You must be...?'

     'I'm Koko.'

     'Who?' asked the girl.

     'Koko Lupin-Black,' Koko replied controlling their urges to roll their eyes. Koko looked at Molly who had an amused look on her face.

     'You mean, Remus Lupin's kid?' Molly looked a bit frightened and said just above a whisper, 'Wow...'

    'What do you mean?'

     'It's weird, you seem quite normal,' the girl said, glancing to the other side.

     Koko felt a bit ashamed, but biting their lips they asked, trying to change the topic, 'Do you know anyone from Hogwarts?'

     'Not really,' the girl answered rather shorty and then asked, 'Do you know which Hogwarts house you'll be sorted into?'

     'No. But I do hope it's-'

     'Imagine the embarrassment if it's Hufflepuff,' sneered Molly. 'I hope I get sorted into Ravenclaw, it's the best of the best.'

     Koko thought for a bit, in Koko's family all were Gryffindors and Koko too secretly hoped they would be sorted into there. But, Koko felt a bit sad with the girl's remark on Hufflepuff.

     'Hufflepuff isn't bad at all,' muttered Koko. 'Helga Hufflepuff was a really talented Witch. My brother's mom too was in Hufflepuff,' said Koko thinking about Teddy and Tonks.

      After the tragic death of Nemphadora Tonks, Teddy was left motherless. Remus and Sirius raised him along with Koko.

      'Mmm,' said Molly looking least interested in the conversation, but then suddenly said, 'I've read Hogwarts: A History.'

     'Okay...?' Koko said not knowing what to reply.

     'Have you?-'

     But before Koko could answer, Madam Malkin who was pinning Molly's robes said, 'All done, my dear,' Koko was glad knowing Molly was going to leave.

    Molly hopped off the stool and looked at Koko while saying, 'I have to go. I hope I'll see you at Hogwarts.'

     I hope not, Koko wanted to say. But Koko smiled a bit while saying, 'We will.'

    Koko was really quiet on their way to Ollivanders

     'Are you sure you don't need anl cat or an owl?' James asked, 'May wasn't able to buy one because she said either puppies or nothing.'

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