Can you save me ?

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Can you save me ?

Chapter 1

Abel's P.O.V

''Get up you worthless piece of $hit. C'mon get up and fight like man, oh wait you can't. YOUR WORTHLESS.'' That person there saying those mean things to me is my father. He finally walked away after his final kick which was in my chest. That last one took me a few extra few minutes to recover from. *WAAAA* ''Shut that damn baby up or I'll do it.'' After he said that I got up off the groud real fast and ran up stairs ignoring the pain.

 I walked into my room over to my bed and picked up Autumn. She calmed down at once . She looked up at me with her brown eye's. She looked just like her mother Hailey. I still can't believe Hailey didn't want her. After Autumn was borned Hailey gave her to me and moved away. Where ? I have no idea. I made and gave Autumn her bottle and she fell asleep. I put her back on my bed and I changed and went to bed as well.


I looked ay my alarm 7:00 am. Time to get up for school. I looked down at Autumn and saw her eyes open and just kicking around and smiling. She is just one happy 9 month old. I got up and dressed and I went back to get Autumn to change and feed her. Before going to school I had to drop Autumn off at my grandma's.

 When I got there I walked in. Grandma is the only one who is nice to me.  I leave Autumn here because she is the only one I trust with her. ''Grandma I'm here. '' I yelled through her house. ''In here Abel.'' She yelled fom her kitchen. She is also one of the nicest people and to me since my father started beating me. He never used to do this. He only started after mom died a year ago in a car acciedent. He's always blaming it on me.

*Flash Back*


''Hello.'' I asked wondering who could be calling.

''Hello Mr.Crestwood ?'' she said.

''No I'm his son. Why!'' I asked.

''Oh...well your mother has been in an acciedent and died right on he spot. I'm so sorry for your lost.'' she said. I dropped the phone with thoughts flashing through my mind, I'll never see her again. I heard the door open and my dad yelling for me ''Abel are you home?'' he yelled. ''Abel....Abel....Abel.'' he yelled as he walked in the living room. ''Abel are you okay ?'' he asked. I didn't answer but you could ear the phone calling to us. ''Hello anyone there?'' we heard from the phone. Dad bent down and picked it up. ''Hello ?'' he asked. ''Yes I am.'' he said. The next second his face went pale and he hung up and walked away to his room. He was like that for a month till he just snapped and came in the room and smelt like booze. He then started yelling at me saying it was my fault. I told him it wasn't anyone's fault, but he just kept yelling it was mine and that was when he started hitting me.

*Flash Back over*

Grandma was starring at me worridly. ''Abel are you okay?'' she said sounding concern. I wish I could tell her but then she would call the police and they would come take me away and probably from Autumn as well. We couldn't live with grandma because her place is so small. '' sorry I spaced out for a minute there. Here's Autumn she's already been feed her bottle so she should be okay for a few hours and I have a double shift tonight, so I shold be back by eleven tonight, is that okay ?'' I asked. ''Of course it is dear. You should get to school now or you'll be late.'' she said. ''Okay thanks again Gram.'' I said already walking out the door. ''No problem.'' she said already playing with Autumn.

It only took a few minutes to get there.I got there ad parked and the  got out and started walking towards the school. I got to my locker grabbed my stuff I needed and headed to science. On my way there the jocks all yelled at me ''EMO,FREAK,LOSER,LONER'' Everyone started laughing at me but I didn't care, so I just started walkig again. I had this feeling of someone starring at me. I looked up andsaw some girl starring at me with sad eyes. Sad eyes. I wonder why ? Who nows. she caught me catching her starring at me so she walked into the science room, great now I'll have her starring at me for the whole peroid.

 I got in there and took my seat in the back. The girl was just standing here beside Mrs. Remmings.'' Okay class today we have a new student. Why don't you introduce yourself'' she said not even paying attention. ''Umm....okay well I'm Amanda Reed I just moved here from Chicago to here and I love music and running.'' she said. ''Okay Miss Reed why don't you go take a seat some where.'' she said. Amanda started walking and everyone, by everyone I mean the popular people calling her t come sit besde them. ''Hey Amanda why don't you come running over here.'' he said with his oh so 'perfect smile'.  Amanda ignore them and kept walking getting closer to were I was sitting. '''Hey Mandy come sit over here.'' Jenny the popular 'IT' girl called. She stilled ignore the popular people. She got to I was seating and sat down beside me. ME out of all the people. I looked at her with a curious look and so did everyone else. She just smiled at me.''Hi there. What's your name ?'' She asked, really she's talking to me now. WOW. I guess I should answer her now. ''Hello I'm Abel, nice to meet you Amanda.'' I said to her barely over a whisper. Amanda just smiled at me. What's with this girl and smiling, I mean its good to smile but she hasn't stopped. ''A gentlemen I see, and nice to meet you too. I was wondering if you could show me around ?''she asked me. ''I guess if you want, sure.'' I replied. On the outside I was calm about this but on the inside I was shocked.

 After class we started heading to art because we have the exact same schedule, how funny. Jenny came up to us or more like Amanda. ''Like hey there Mandy, do you want to come hang with us and not this emo freak?'' She asked with a fake smile and her 'followers' behind her to. ''Well first I don't see a emo freak anywhere I only see a gentlemen and a barbie girl and her 5 'friends', and no  thanks.'' she said smiling. Their were 5 gasps. ''Well fine then, from now on you and this... thing, are both freaks of this school.'' Jenny and smirked. ''Yea, yea whatever, save it or someone who cares. Now buh bye barbie girl.'' She said with a wave of her hand and just smirked and grabbed my hand which I felt a shock go through and pulled me away down he hall way. She was still holding my hand now which I just felt tingles, lots of them.

Amanda suddenly stopped and I bumed into her. ''Sorry.''  mumbled quietly. ''It's okay, so now where is the art room.'' she said. I looked around and we were actually in fron of it. I kind of smiled at this cause Amanda was still looking around. ''We're actually right in front of it.'' I said. She just smiled and walked in. We both went to the back and sat down. We had free-sketch today my faviorite. I got lost in my drawing that I didn't see Amanda. ''Oh wow that's really good, who is it ? your sister ?'' Amanda asked. I looked down and relized I drew Autumn, my little girl. Oh crap she think's it'smy sister what do I do or say, Oh yea my sister yea, I thought of quickly. ''Oh...umm...yea thats Autumn.'' I said wow close call. ''Awww she so cute. You must be a great big brother.'' she said an looked back to her drawing. What she said me being a great brother made me think of all the good times we 've had in  months and that Im a great dad to her. I looked over and she smiled at me and I actually smiled back at a person.

Okay Im finally done myfirst chapter of this storyso yea comment vote.

Thx storielover

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