Chapter 30: If it Rains, It's a Yes

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"Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass. It's about learning to dance in the rain." - Vivian Greene

I admire you for being so strong, Brielle. Thank you for teaching me to dance and love in the rain. With all my heart, I love you. -Xander


"I know you're busy but I'm getting anxious here. Call me!" I said after hearing the beep, indicating I have to leave a message. I've been trying to get a hold of Xander since yesterday but I didn't get a single reply or call back.

I sighed and just focused on my sketches again. I am working on my spring collection. Mom said I'm working on it too early. It's just December now and we are to release it in March.

I hate working in a rush so I usually start on new designs long before their release. I only do rush work on wedding dresses.

"It's so cold outside," Mom said when she entered our office.

I got startled when I saw her. "Mom, what are you doing here? Who's with the twins?" I asked.

"They're at school," Mom answered, removing her coat.

I nodded before finalizing my sketch. I faced Mom who just sat on her desk and showed her my design. "What do you think?"

She tilted her head to the side. "Don't you think a halter strap would be better?" she said.

I looked at my sketch again. "Really? I think the square looks cute."

"Believe me, the halter gives it an accent," Mom asserted.

"Okay, halter then," I replied before fixing my sketch. I showed it again to her and she gave it a thumbs up.

I breathe a sigh of relief and stretched my arms before standing up. I fetched my coat from the coat rack and wore it.

"Where are you going?" Mom asked.

"I'm gonna grab some coffee," I answered. "Do you want some?"

"I already had some at home," she replied.

I nodded before grabbing my handbag. "I'll be back," I told Mom before exiting the room.

After leaving the boutique, I walked over to the cafe a few blocks away. I ordered my usual before sitting on one of the chairs.

While waiting for my order, my phone rang. I grabbed it from my bag and answered it. "Hello?"

"I have a problem. Where are you?" Jay said.

I shook my head. "You know the cafe near the boutique, right?"

"Okay, I'll be there in ten minutes," he said before dropping the call.

I was called to get my coffee. I stood up to get it before walking back to my seat. I started sketching again while waiting for Jaden.

"One white mocha latte, please," a familiar voice said to the cashier.

I furrowed my eyebrows. It can't be her. She said she was busy so how could she be here?

I turned around and my eyes widened when I saw who it was. "Shine!" I called.

She jumped a little from the shock before facing me. She walked towards me. "You can't tell anyone that I'm home," she said.

"Why?" I asked.

"Nica's birthday is coming up, remember? I wanted to surprise all of you there but then you saw me." She sighed before sitting on the chair across from me.

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