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I know I haven't been writing in a long time it is because my school has started and on Xmas break I didn't have anytime to write. I am so sorry, anyway I hope you guys enjoy the chapter!!!

Now you might be wondering a few things by now like, why isent everyone really excited for Katie and her brodway show and what is that "thing" Adien had to do well.. Adien and Lori are actully planing a surprise party for Alexa and Katie, so thats what the "thing" is.
Ohh and about Katie's show well no one actully knows about it. Ok yes I know why woulden't Katie at lease tell Alexa or Adien
but it isent that all easy because if she takes it she will have to leave for NYC the weekend she gets back from collage and she doesn't know how much that will hurt them.
So if that clears everything up for you lets get back to our story.....

"Hey Spence" Alexa shouted from the top of the staris "could you come up here please?" "Ok,coming"he replied "whats up" "well" she began. Spencer started to think she was worried about something because she isn't talking all happy and joyfull like she normanly does. "Katie isen't acting like normal because she is walking around all nervous and I...I am just worried about her Spencer". "I know you are, you just have to ask her what is wrong or you can talk to Adien he might know what is wrong with her" he told her hoping she would take his advice. "Yea you are right..ok you can go now" "what you don't want me to stay for emocional support?"he said surpised "aww no that is ok" she said " I will be down now"

"Ok Katie you have to tell everyone about the show" Katie told her self. She was really nervous but she had to do it because....oh she just had to do it. "Ok I am going to do it I am going to do it" she walked very slowly down the stairs thinking and thinks about how they would react "ummm guys I ummm have to tell you something" "yea sweetie" Jennifer replied "sooo ummm...ok fine I am just going to say it...I GOT A PART IN A BROWDWAY SHOW AND IT STARTS TOMOROW IN NYC!!!" thats it, it was out.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 19, 2021 ⏰

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