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"Oh yeah. It's here", I said, keeping one hand on that grave. "So what to do?", Caroline questioned. "What to do means what? We have to open it", I answered. "In the memory of Mr. Robinson", I read out the words written on the grave.

We tried to remove the cover but we failed. "Aah! What's the problem of this?", Caroline complained, panting hard. "Caroline, do one thing", I said, "go back and bring that book." "But-", she stopped when I gave her my death glare which everyone was afraid of. "Okay fine", she said running out of the cave without turning back.

I placed that book on the grave and it opened itself. I noticed a small piece of paper, which resembled a treasure map. But it wasn't exactly a treasure map. "Unite me", I read out, checking the other sides of that paper to see if anything else is written. "What?", Caroline asked. We both didn't saw anything in the grave except two pieces of a holy cross which were equally divided into two halves. I carried both of them with me. "But when? Where? And how?", Caroline kept on asking, acting like a dumbo. "Follow me", I commanded. Caroline tried to say something but I already left.

"Let him come now", I said. "So are you planning to 'unite' it in front of 'him'?", Caroline asked, emphasizing the words unite and him. "So listen to me we are going to........", I explained her my plan. "Hmm okay", Caroline said. I could clearly observe that she was a bit lesser confident than usual.

"So didn't you both take my warning seriously?"

We could easily guess that its the creature's voice. "Come up if you dare to face us", I shouted. "Feisty, huh?", he said as he appeared. "Let's see what you can do", he said, and as soon as he finished, the lights switched off. "What the hell", Caroline screamed. "You trying to tie us?", I said as I felt something tying around me. "Bruh!", Caroline yelled as she tried to loosen the rope. But I felt like it was already loose. As if I could easily take my hands out of it.

*Lights switched on*

"DIDN'T LEAVE THIS PLACE. NOW REGRET IT! YOU ARE MOST WELCOME TO YOUR DEATH", he yelled as he rubbed his hands together. He turned around, his back facing us. "Now!", I whispered to Caroline. As soon as he faced us, I raised the half part, while Caroline raised the remaining half part of the holy cross and stuck them together. "Arrghhhh! You dummies!!!", He screamed in pain, turned to ash, and blew away. All that seemed like a fictional movie.

I sighed with relief. "CONGRATULATIONS!", We heard the same deep voice which said the word eliminated, earlier.
This was the end of this story.
LOL I was kidding. But the truth will be revealed in the next aka the last chapter of this story! Till then wait for it...


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