Chapter 1

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Chae's pov.

Hi my name is Son chaeyoung,i have 4 bestfriends or more like family.
My 4 bestfriends are Jeongyeon unnie,jihyo unnie,dahyun unnie and tzuyu.

Jihyo unnie is basically like our mom cause we live in small apartment and we are all adopted but sadly our adopted parents died because of severe illness so we live by our selves now

Jeongyeon unnie my no jam bro she is the oldest but always acts like a crackhead she loves to read books to the point she read almost all the books.

Dahyun or dubu oldest of the SCHOOL MEAL CLUB or maknaes her skin is like a tofu thats why we call her dubu
She's a church girl she reads a statement on the bible then goes to sleep.

Tzuyu the youngest of the school meal club she's savage and a cold hearted person but when it comes to us she's still savage.


We are at our school library reading books while we wearing specs.

Suddenly a cold liquid pours on my head i looked at the person who poured cold milk it was Solji and her allies or should i say our bullies
They bully us cause we are nerds

Yeah were nerds but what do you expect were born smart.

"What do you want Solji" Jihyo unnie said

"Oh so your talking back at me now huh" she scoffed

"I can talk back cause i have a tounge" Jihyo unnie fired back

Ohhhhhhhhh~~ The students inside the library said

Solji was humiliated at first but composed her self and pulled jihyo unnies hair

We were super mad like beyond mad cause who is she to hurt a God.

"Hey stop that" i finaly spoke

"Or what nerdie" Solji said

I kicked her in the face.The students were shocked so as my friends.I know taekwondo so i can fight back so as my friends

"You will pay for this nerd!" Solji shouted

"Jihyo unnie are you okay?"
"Yes im okay" said jihyo unnie

"Hey bro are you okay" Jeongyeon unnie said

"Yeah im okay" i said

"Yah you need to change your soaking wet" dahyun said

"If she comes back i will break her face" a savage yoda said

"Hey stop we need chae to change" jihyo unnie said

                         2 days later

"Son chaeyoung,Yoo jeongyeon,Park Jihyo,Kim dahyun and Chou Tzuyu go to the principals office now" Mr Yang said one of our teachers

"Ye" we said

We went inside the office then we saw Solji beside her uncle or should i say The principal

"Come sit down" He said

We sat down and we are shocked of what he said

"You guys are expelled in this school no more buts cause you hurted may niece so kindly get out now" He said

"What?!?" We said

"Why should we get expelled why not your niece" Jeongyeon unnie said sarcasticly

"So what get out now or i'll call the guards to drag you out" He said

Tzuyu scoffed


"Unnie im sorry we got expelled out of the university" i said

"Hey its okay" Jihyo unnie softly said

"Yeah its okay atleast we are out of that hell university" Dahyun said

Tzuyu and jeongyeon agreed

We found a new university that we are going to study at


Myoui university is a school that accepts rich people but we are accepted cause of our grades

Im hoping that no one bullies us


Hi guys thank you for reading my story i hope you stay until the end bye👋👋

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