Chapter 8

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Nobody's pov.

While 2yeon is kissing or more like eating eachothers face 'again'.

A person is watching them through a spy camera that is hidden in the flower base.

How do you think it got there hmm lets investigate my fellow readers lezzz go.

(A/n:Sorry cant upload the photo)

While jeongyeon was unconsious on the hospital bed a fake nurse entered and saw nayeon sleeping and took the opportunity to put the spy camera at the flower base and walked out.

The 'nurse' went to the parking lot of the hospital and in that exact time a black van stopped infront of her.

"I did what you told me to do now where mine?" The 'nurse' said

"Here" the person inside that van said and then van went away.

End of flashback

On the otherside
While the squad is going inside the hospital Jihyo spotted a black suspisious van that was parked in an unsual spot.

She creassed her forehead and
decided to shrug it of and went inside.

While jihyo was walking with them her mind is flying somewhere because of the black van.

"Unnie!" Dahyun shouted and jihyo gave her a death glare but it didn't work.

"Yah jihyo-ah we are calling you for a hundredth time now whats bugging you?" Sana ask

Jihyo was about to answer but when momo opened the door jeongyeon was hovering nayeon and panting.

When nayeon looked at the door her EYES WIDE OPEN and pushed jeongyeon at her side and the dextrose came off from jeongyeon.

We are double shook and called the doctor.


We are now calm and seated facing eachother while 2yeon is looking down and holding hands.

"So what now?" Daniel asked the obvious and jihyo glared at him.

"Uh-m" nayeon is stuttering.

"Its okay atleast you both love eachother" mina said and smiled

"Yeah its okay mina said it right and she is dating chaeyoung too" tzuyu said.

"So when are we gonna date?" Sana asked.

"Who says?" Tzuyu said lazily.

"Uhm me duh"sana said

"Hey stop it" jihyo said sternly and the both of them shut up.

We started to laugh silently until Daniel cant take it anymore and started to laugh loudly.

We cant take it anymore and laugh with him.


Someone's pov

"Just laugh it all you can until you can't laugh anymore" ???? Said while smirking.

"Ma'am there's someone looking for you" said by the maid

"Let them in" ???? Said and the maid obeyed.

"Hey long time no see


Ohhh the no. 1 ??? Has been revealed

2 ??? Someone to go i guess🤔

And i opp-- uhhh


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