Chapter 24

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"Class dismissed."

Professor Andrews dismissed us and our blockmates immediately packed their things inside their bags and rushed out the classroom. Students have been very busy these days.

"Come on, Mina. We have to move quick or else we won't get a space at the library." I nagged and fortunately, she quicken her pace.  Next week is Finals week and so we are very busy because of it. We have so many projects and paperworks to pass so that we can take our finals.

Mina and I walked towards the library with a quick pace. It is lunch time but we have much to do that's why we're going to the library to finish some of our paperworks while eating our packed lunch. Seokjin made lunch boxes for us -Sicheng, him, and I- in case we won't have the time to go at the cafeteria because of how busy we are now. Gosh! You know what's tiring? When you have to finish a lot of plates and paperworks at the same time. But, this is what I wanted and chose at the first place. I made it last year and so I can make it now as well. Luckily, Sicheng is here to help me too.

"Is Jungkook not going to accompany you?" Mina asked as she tiptoed and reached for the book she's getting. I reached out for the book and took it for her. I shook my head sideways and took the book beside it before going back to the table we got. "Sadly, no." I simply answered. I know Jungkook too, has a lot of things to do and I don't want to bother him. After we got together, his main goal is to be on the Dean's lister. And I couldn't be more proud of him.

"Is that so," I nodded. "What are you going to where at the Halloween Ball?" Mina again asked. Oh yeah, right. We have a Halloween Ball right after the last finals day. "It's a secret, Mina." I teased and she gasped in response. We both kept on walking while talking to each other when.... someone bumped into me. The books that were in my arms earlier fell in the floor causing a loud sound echoing in the whole library.


"My apologies." I whispered and bowed to them. "Omg! Sana, are you okay?" Mina came and whispered, slowly scanning me to see if I got hurt.

"Yes, yes, I am fine." I assured her. I was about to bend down and pick up my books when I already saw them in front of me together with the person I bumped into. Goodness, it's a guy! "I am sorry for bumping into you, miss. I was not looking at where I am going." He spoke up and handed me the books before walking off.

I didn't had the chance to have a glance at his face because he was looking down. But somehow, I felt something weird on him. His voice... it gives me chills. Argh! Stop it, Sana. You have a boyfriend. You have Jungkook, stop it!

I looked back and tried to find the guy but he's already out of sight. "What are you looking at?" Mina asked causing me to look at her. I shook my head and plastered a small smile. "Nothing, I just felt something weird." I answered, mumbling the last five words.

Mina then nodded and we continued to walk towards the table quietly. I sat down on one of the chairs and open a book, I started reading but somewhat I can't seem to focus on the words I am reading. My mind is full of that weird guy, gosh! Stop it! I scolded myself once again and took deep breaths, releasing those thoughts out of me. And when I finally calmed down, I continued on reading the book and focused on what I am supposed to do.


"Oh my gosh! Finally!" I exclaimed as soon as I passed my papers and it got accepted. I turned my laptop off and jumped around my room in happiness. I'm done taking my finals in both of my courses! Oh my gosh!

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