•𝐽𝑜𝑖𝑛 𝑎 𝑙𝑜𝑏𝑏𝑦~

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~3rd POV^

It was 7 p.m already and Lilith got now back from university.
She lived alone, so there's no one to greet..
Except from her cat.
But he's sleeping and too lazy to stand up..
She made herself a coffee after she changed her cloths.

She made herself a coffee after she changed her cloths

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She quickly went on social media and twitters:-..
"I'll be online soon, hehe~🖤"
^posted now^
Lilith went to her little room which lighted up by LED's.
With one task on her phone, every electronic device went on.
LED's, screens and computer.

[Think of a different gaming room, if you doesn't like this one]

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[Think of a different gaming room, if you doesn't like this one]

She puts her coffee on the desk down and took a seat.
She prepared her microphone and puts on her rosa headphones with cat ears.
After 10 minutes of checking everything, she started a stream.
Lilith looked at a side monitor and smiles cuz of all the greetings she get in the chat of her fans.

Lilith,"Hii~ guys! Y'all feel fine?"

She reads all the answers with a smile on her pale face.

Lilith,"My day was okay. I came now back from university.."

She tried her best to read every live-comment in the chat.

Lilith,"I am not in the mood to do a reaction on a video.. I thought to may play some games or something. However, y'all are more happy when I play games, so it doesn't depend really on my mood."

She chuckled and watched her chat who's laughing and agreeing to that fact.

Lilith,"So, what should I play? Any recommendations?"

The chat got spammed with the same recommendation..

Lilith,"Among Us? That's the game what's trending right now, right? I heard, it's like the game »mafia«..."

*W̸a̸d̸d̸u̸p̸ b̸a̸b̸y̸?̸❤︎✞⌫ ||Corpse Husband X ocWhere stories live. Discover now