•Gᴏᴏᴅ Nɪɢʜᴛ

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~3rd POV^

It's already three in the morning and everyone decided to end the stream.
Maybe because Sykkuno just fell asleep..
Everyone said »goodbye« and went off the discord.
Lilith put her attention to her community.

~Corpse POV^

I've ended my stream and wanted straight to go to sleep but then I saw that CryBaby was still online..
She still streamed on twitch..
»It would be weird if I join now..«
Honestly, I was a fan..
I listened to her music quiet often and I enjoyed it.
However I just visited sometimes her streams and watched some videos.
But I was more fan of her music.
A long time ago, David (BoyInABand) showed me her music and I found it good..
It was a really coincidence that she joined our lobby that day..
I looked at her profile on twitch..
»Should I join..?«
I mean, I didn't have any official account on twitch..
I always streamed on youtube, so she wouldn't know that I'm watching...
»Better not.. I should go to sleep..«
And it was too late..
I pressed the button and was immediately a part of the chat..

I pressed the button and was immediately a part of the chat

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CryBaby,"No-, it was really fun to play with them. All of them were really nice and sympathetic. I really enjoyed it.."

~3rd POV

She had her cat in her arms and petted him.
She stroke his white, fluffy fur.
His purring was heard by the microphone and tickled in the ears of the community who watched the stream..
Her brown eyes were fixed on the chat and she really tried to read every comment..

HinIBinI696,"Your cat is sooo sweet~😍"
CookieHeart,"I love you CryBaby❤️"
LeoLion160905,"When will u sing live again?"
PokiPet333-spends 50$"

Lilith,"PokiPet333, thanks for 50$! I appreciate it!"

MinaBaby,"I love your music and streams!"
David,"The stream was really cool!"
DidiDino,"Are ya working on new songs?"
TeenAgent666,"Can you greet me?"
-and so on..

Lilith,"If I start greeting now, we'll be here for the next week..sorry.. I'm happy, that you like the stream, David! Are ya working on new songs? Yes, I'm working on a new album, if I'm honest. All I can say is, that it will have more than ten songs."

Her chat went crazy.
They wanted to know every single detail..
Nothing new..
Her fans always were happy to hear about new music.
Everyone waited for new music videos and new songs like it was life important..
Now, she easy announced a whole new album but she didn't give any detail.

Lilith,"That's all I can say. Y'all have to wait."

A sweet smile was on her lips.
This smile could really put people in a spell..
Even if it was three o'clock in the morning, people still were watching the young woman how she smiled and talked with a soft voice..
No one could be mad at her with that light smile on her pale face...

*W̸a̸d̸d̸u̸p̸ b̸a̸b̸y̸?̸❤︎✞⌫ ||Corpse Husband X ocWhere stories live. Discover now