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I was starting a new school this year, and I'm not excited about it exactly. I was expelled from Ilvermorny, the only school of Witchcraft and Wizardry in America. My siblings are still there, starting the school without me. I grew up in the states, the state of Michigan, to be exact, near the Detroit area but I've never lived in that city.
I got expelled for the dumbest reason. I kept getting into fights because people were making fun of both of my siblings. She's got a speech impediment, a really bad stutter. She can't always turn it off. My brother has dyslexia and ADD and he gets frustrated very easily and can't always control his impulsiveness. Because of this, he's gotten a very bad temper. He will blow his top over the smallest of inconveniences and he gets frustrated extremely easily. They get made fun of for it a lot. I, of course, didn't like that. We're triplets, and I'm the only one of us that doesn't have something mentally wrong with them. I have a temper though.
It started out just verbal, but it changed when a girl challenged me, begged me to hit her. She didn't think I would, but I did. And I liked it, honestly. I got detentions at first, those turned into in-school suspensions. Then I got in big trouble when I mouthed off to the principal when he tried to say the violence  was my fault. I yelled at him, said I wouldn't have to fight anymore if he'd just crack down on the bullying. But the school systems in America when it comes to bullying is terrible. Even in the magical school I guess.
I got accepted into Hogwarts School for Witchcraft and Wizardry, Headmaster Dumbledore was the only Headmaster that would take me I guess. On the bright side I get to live in England, on the downside I'm not allowed to leave the castle because I'm a student.
I arrived at King's Cross Station with my mom and dad at about 10:30. They apparated me and my things there. I had my trunk, and my owl, ready to go. We had to watch for some other Wizarding families before we figured out how I got to the Hogwarts Express. We had to walk through a brick wall of a barrier between platforms 9 and 10 to get to platform 9 3/4 and there it was. A big red steam engine ready to take me to Hogwarts.
My dad loaded my trunk into the carriage for me and I said goodbye to my mom who warned me not to fight anymore this year. I told her I wasn't promising her anything. She rolled her eyes at me. My dad hugged me then too. He said, "Don't worry about Irina and William, okay?"
"I wouldn't be here right now if that school protected them better," I remind him, he sighs.
"I know, honey, but just remember what we talked about. They're going to be just fine, okay?"
"Whatever," I say, crossing my arms over my chest. "I should get on the train so I can find a spot to be alone."
"You should make friends, sweetie," my mom says, smiling like it's going to change my mind.
"I'm good," I say, my tone full of pure sass. "I'll see you guys at Christmas."
"See you at Christmas, honey," my mom calls as I begin walking towards the train.
I was able to find an empty compartment and I sat alone. I took out some of my art supplies to keep me busy for the ride to the school. I was working on a piece I started almost a week ago. My mom wanted to spend time together as a family before we left for school again and I didn't get to work on my art very much.
I sat here for about 10 minutes when there was a knock on the compartment door. Two pale identical twin redhead boys and another black boy with dreadlocks were standing at the door. "Sorry," said one of the twins, "Would you mind if we join you? Everywhere else is full."
"Sure," I shrug, and look back down at my drawing.
"I'm George," greets the one twin who asked if they could join me, then points to his twin, "That's Fred," he points to their friend, "And that's Lee."
"Hi," I say, trying to keep my tone to suggest that I didn't really want to talk.
The trains started moving then, and it suddenly hit me how much longer I have to be on this train. Someone please kill me.
"What's your name?" Asks George, sounding very chipper and excited to talk to me even though I have only given him one word responses.
"My name is Daisy." I tell him, and he perks up again. Visible excitement takes over his body. His brown eyes widened, and the smile on his face practically reached his ears.
"You're American? Aren't you?" 
"Yeah, I am," I say, nodding.
"That explains why I didn't know who you were." Says George, that excitement still in his tone.
"I just figured she was a Ravenclaw," says Lee, who shrugs. "I don't know many of them."
"Are you a transfer student?" Asks Fred.
"Yeah, what year are you in?" Asks Lee.
"I am," I admit. "I'm in my fourth year this year."
"We're fifth years this year, what state are you from?" Asks George.
I had to put an end to this right now. I have to let them know that I wasn’t interested in conversation right now.
"I'm from Michigan, the one that is shaped like a hand. Now listen, you guys seem nice but I was really hoping to just keep to myself during this trip. You can talk amongst yourselves but please leave me out of it. Thank you."
"Sorry," says George, the excitement has left his voice. "We won't bother you anymore."
And they didn't. They talked amongst themselves but they didn't drag me into the conversation. About half way through the trip a witch came by and asked if we wanted anything from the trolly. I bought some sweets and went back to my drawing. At one point I cursed myself for not bringing my cassette tape player with me in my travel bag. It was in my trunk. Then I could really tune them out.
Soon after that the train started to slow down, and it got very cold. Then the lights started to turn off. I looked up from my drawing to see all three of the boys looking around like I was. They were very confused.
"We're not there yet, are we?" Asked Lee.
"No way," says Fred. "We've got at least another four hours. We've probably just broken down."
"Should we check on Ginny and Ron?" Asked George.
"I'm sure Percy the Prefect is already on it, George," replied Fred.
"Don't let him hear you call him that," said George, a chuckle in his voice. "Remember he's Head Boy now."
"How could I forget," says Fred, the slightest bit of sass and annoyance in his tone.
Honestly I didn't like being in the dark but as long as they kept talking it would distract me. I closed my eyes, they couldn't see me, I had to focus on their voices. Then all of the sudden, the lights were back on, it wasn't cold anymore, and the train was moving again.
"Are you, okay, Daisy?" Asked George, who was now looking right at me.
I nodded my head yes, but what I said was the opposite, "I'm not a big fan of the dark."
George nods, but he doesn't say anything to me, he looks at his twin and says, "I'm going to go check on Ron and Ginny." Then he stands up and leaves the compartment without another word.
Fred stands up and follows his brother out of the compartment. It's just Lee and I here in the compartment now.
"Who are Ron and Ginny?" I ask Lee. I was suddenly curious.
"Their younger brother and sister. There are seven kids in their family."
"Oh," I say, nodding again. "I see. Are they all at Hogwarts?"
"Five of them are," says Lee, "the two oldest are finished now. Percy is their older brother. He's Gryffindor Head Boy this year." He takes an opportunity to ask me a question about myself, "Are you an only child?"
"No," I shake my head, "I have a twin sister and a brother. We're triplets."
"They didn't transfer to Hogwarts with you? Or are they at a different part of the train?"
I shake my head no, "They're still going to Ilvermorny."
"Why is that?"
"I'd rather not talk about it." I admit to him, "it's kind of a long story."
Lee nods, understanding, and he does bring it up again. Fred and George came back then and resumed their seats and George started talking right as he sat down. "Everyone is okay, Harry fainted though. Poor kid. But he's fine now."
"Why did he faint? " asked Lee.
"Something about a Dementor from Azkaban," says Fred. "They were still shaken up about it. We didn't get the entire story."
Dementors? Azkaban? What on Earth were they talking about? And who was Harry? I had no clue about any of this, but I knew if I asked they wouldn't stop talking to me. So I kept my curiosity to myself and let it go and went back to my art.

Here's part 1!

At first I was going to wait to publish this story until I had more chapters written but honestly I am really enjoying writing it so I had to share it!

So, here you go!

-Emily Winchester.

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