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At the end of November, I was glad to have my boyfriend back to myself as awful as that seemed. Quidditch took up a lot of his free time, and he didn’t have that obligation anymore. He was all mine again, and I was glad for that, despite what had happened to make that possible.
One night, in very late November, George and I were on the couch by the Fireplace when Genevieve traveled down from the boys dorms, raking her fingers through her hair, and made eyes at me that told me to follow her as she headed up to the girl's dorms now. I told George I'd be right back and I followed her up the stairs.
The door to our dorm was open so I just walked in and closed it behind me. Gen was using an actual comb now in her hair. "I'm going to kill him."
"What happened?"
"He got it in my hair!" She exclaims.
"He got what in your hair?" I ask, stupidly. 
"What do you think?" She asks, her tone hard.
By "it" she meant, well, I don't really want to say it. Let's just say she was in the boy's dorms alone with her boyfriend and I'll let you fill in the blanks.
"Oh," I say, finally understanding, "what position were you in that your hair was where it landed?"
"On my knees," she says, sounding sheepish.
"Ah, I see," nodding. "And it missed your mouth, I take it."
"Yeah," she admits, sounding sad. "Now I have to go wash my hair. After I just did last night. I swear to God that's the first and last time I let him do whatever he wants to me." That makes me laugh. She scowled at me for it. "You wouldn't be laughing if George did this to you. You're lucky you got the sweeter one of the two of them. I don't know why I had to pick the aggressive one."
I laugh again at that comment.
She started to collect her shower things. Now that I wasn’t laughing anymore I asked, "Did you at least have a good time, besides that?"

"Oh yeah," she nods, "truth be told I'm not his first partner. He's had a few before me. So, he knows what he's doing."
I knew that already. George has only ever been with me, but Fred has been getting around since he was at least 15, according to George at least. He had a big crush on Angelina but he'd sleep with whoever would take him. Sex was just sex to him for a long time. Hopefully that's changed now that he's got Genevieve.
She was finished gathering her shower things now, standing with her basket ready to go. "Now, if you'll excuse me, I have to go wash my hair."
"Have fun," I joke with her as she walks out of the dorm. I had a good laugh with myself before I went back down to the Common Room again. I took my seat by George on the couch, this time Fred was with him.
"How mad is she really?" Asked Fred as soon as I sat down.
"Pretty mad," I admit.
"Shit," he sighs. "She acts like I did it on purpose."
"She'll get over it," George assures his brother. "Just be extra nice and sweet the next few days, and she will get over it. Right babe?"
"Yeah," I say, nodding, "and maybe next time watch your aim."
George laughs at that. Fred hits him in the middle of his chest.
That was a good laugh for everyone who was Genevieve and Fred. Of course George told Lee what happened too and he also thought it was hilarious and said he was lucky Gen didn't break up with him or refuse to have sex with him ever again after that.   
When December came, we had a routine down. Once a week we'd meet in the Room of Requirements to have Harry teach us Defense Against the Dark Arts. But when we didn't have that, we hung out in the Common Room. Sometimes others joined us, but most of the time it was the four of us together. Sometimes Fred and Gen were in their dorm, some nights George and I were. We had a lot of free time now to do what we wanted.
Before we had left for Christmas, we woke one morning to find the Weasley Children and Harry were gone. So of course I went straight to Neville the next morning to find out what happened, since he shares a dorm with Ron and Harry.
He told us that Harry had a dream about Mr. Weasley getting attacked by a giant snake, and then he and Ron left, but he didn't know that the other Weasley kids left too. I hoped that they were all okay, especially Mr. Weasley. We were supposed to be spending Christmas with the Weasley family this year. I sure hope they're all okay.
I got a letter from my mom that morning telling me that all of the Weasley's were okay, but that's all she said. It made me feel better, because that meant Mr. Weasley was okay. The next day we were all off back home.
Since the Weasleys weren't here, I sat with my brother and sister, Hermione, Neville, Luna, and Genevieve. My dad was here to take us all home. We dropped Luna off to her place then, and then headed home. Mr. Lovegood told my brother he was welcome to come over on Christmas, and my dad told him he'd make sure William got to stop by for a little bit.
My dad only agreed to this because he knew it was William and Luna's one-year anniversary, as it is for me and George. He knew if George and I got to spend our anniversary together and William didn't get to spend some of the day with Luna then he'd throw a fit and probably get so mad he'd end up breaking something. It's happened a number of times before.
On Christmas Eve we headed to The House of Black to spend Christmas. Mrs. Weasley was in the kitchen when we arrived. She was so happy to see all of us. She hugged us all tight and said she was happy to see us, then she called the kids down. Hermione was here, which was odd because she said she was going skiing with her family. I guess she changed her mind.
Fred and George were downstairs first, and George ran to me and hugged me to tight. He even picked me up off the ground saying, "I'm so happy you're here, darling. I felt awful that I didn't get to say goodbye when we left."
He puts me back onto the ground, "Don't, it's okay. As soon as I heard I was so worried about you guys and your father. How is he, by the way?"
"He's okay, as long as they keep the bandages around his neck. He starts bleeding when they take it off."

Ron, Harry, Ginny were in the kitchen now and I hugged them all. Then I hugged Fred, who was surprised by this,this, he did hug me back for a second before I let go of him. Sirius was here, of course, and I was even happy to see him.
The next morning I was woken to the sound of George apparating into mine and my sister's room. Irina was already awake, so he didn't have to worry about waking her up. He jumped on top of me, hugging me tight, yelling, "Happy anniversary, darling!"
I laugh at this, hugging him back, saying, "Happy anniversary. I can't believe it's been a year already."
"I know," he says, planting a kiss onto my cheek. "It's been the best year ever."
"Well, not for everyone, but for us, yeah," I say, and it makes him laugh.
"Y-you guys are cute," says Irina, who was standing now. "H-happy anniversary."
"Thanks Irina," says George, who smiled wide at her.
"Yeah," I say "thanks."
She left the room then, leaving George and I alone. He starts kissing me. A hard, passionate kiss. I suddenly felt warmer all over my body. His lips were on my neck now, and I knew where this was going. But we couldn’t. One of our mothers were bound to come looking for us soon.
"George," I say, "we can't. Not right now. Not before breakfast. One of our mothers could walk in any second."
He rolls off of me, laying next to me. "You're right. Later tonight we'll sneak away from everyone. We have to. It's our anniversary."
"Of course," I agree. He kisses me on the lips before we got out of bed and headed down to the kitchen where Mrs. Weasley and my mom were slaving over breakfast.
George and I were the last ones down here. My dad has taken my brother to Luna's to have breakfast with Luna and her father. Later today we're going to visit Mr. Weasley at St. Mungo’s. Percy wasn't here, because he's still not speaking to his family, and Charlie was still in Romania with his dragons, and Bill was with his father this morning.
We ate breakfast and then we got ready for the day. We visited with Mr. Weasley for a good moment before Ron, Hermione, and Harry took off to go find a tea room. I stayed behind with the rest of the kids.
Then the twins, Bill, Irina, Ginny, William, and I all headed up to the tea room where we sat at a table and had tea. Harry, Ron, and Hermione found us and told us that they had run into Gilderoy Lockhart. I guess he was the Defense Against the Dark Arts Professor before Lupin, the year before I started at Hogwarts. He got his memory wiped, and he's been here since.
They also told us on that floor they ran into Neville who was here with his grandmother visiting his parents, which made Irina perk up and she asked me to go with her to go find him. Ginny came to, and we went on the search for Neville.
We found them on the floor underneath the one that the tea room was on. Irina was so happy to see him. He looked terrified that she was here. He still hugged her, nonetheless, and I tortured her to his grandmother, who said she was pretty. His grandmother was a stern woman, that was for sure, and she was glad that Neville had friends, and a potential girlfriend.

Here's part 20!

I know the first part of the Chapter had nothing to do with the rest of the chapter but I had an idea and I went with it.

You gotta admit it was pretty funny, and I can totally see Fred doing that.

Also I came up with an idea for later in the story that is kind of devastating and also genius at the same time.

I can't wait until I'm at that point in the story.

-Emily Winchester.

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