1. Imprisonment

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Disclaimer: Of course I don't own Victorious. The rightful owner is Dan Schneider.

Take place after Robbie accidentally kills the Chancellor's octopus, which landed the whole gang to be put in Yerbanian prison. Some changes -including the fence separating the different genders removed, and the gang sharing a cell. Hopefully, the gang comes up with a plan to escape this poop shack of a prison before anything bad happens to them!


Tori, Robbie, Cat, Jade, Trina, André and Beck stood leaning on a fence at the near end of the prison, when suddenly Tori looked over at Robbie incredulously and asked, "You murdered the man's octopus?" Robbie, unable to form any words, only nodded his head in silent.

"Hey! Americans!" The gang looked over at the Yerbianian prison guard, as he took a few steps towards them. "Come with me, buddies, I'm going to take you to your cell." He called out to them while gesturing for them to follow. Beck was holding Jade securely around the waist as he direct the gang towards the guard.

"Don't you mean cells?" Trina questioned, raising a finger as to prove her point. The guard halted abruptly, turning on his heels to face her. His sudden movement made Trina squeak and hide behind the younger Vega sister, holding onto her shoulder as she peek at him timidly behind her.

"No. I said cell, and I meant cell. Now come on, buddies." The guard said, smiling smugly, as he turned and continued to lead the gang to their cell as if that little conversation didn't occur. The Hollywood Arts gang exchanged some look among each other, confused by what the guard meant by only one cell as there's seven of them.


He led them through a series of turns, and finally they've arrived at their destination. The group of teenagers exchanged looks of uncertainty and disbelief as they stood in front of the heavily damaged and rusted looking barred cell, which is half size smaller than Hollywood Arts' very own Black Box Theater.

The guard pulled out a bunch of keys of different shape and sizes, causing a rattingly sound to echo loudly throughout the enclosed corridor. He fondled with it until the desired key came up - a tarnished silver coloured key, equally rusted on some parts. He unlocked the rusty gate entrance, at the near end of the cell on the right, making a scraping metallic clicking noise reverberate. He then motioned for the teenagers to step into the cell. Once inside, the gang surveyed their new surroundings.

There was a sink, diminished and accumulated with dirt and grime, anchored to the floor on the far left corner. It has a visible crack on the yellowish ceramic near the discoloured silver tap and black marks appear around the plug hole. Moreover, the mirror hung above it was in a worse condition, as blackened spots appeared where the silver has tarnished, and faded spots where it has worn off. There is also no natural light. The only source of brightness was from the overhead lights in the corridors, which was occasionally flashing. Thus, causing the cell appear even less pleasant than it actually was.

Three sets of bunk beds were anchored to each side of the walls, away from the large and barred metallic cell gate. Each bed contains a very tattered navy blue blanket and a dark garbage green pillow which are a tad too soft. Apart from those two factors causing major dissatisfaction, the mattress rested on top of the pine wood frame with slats was ridiculously lumpy as well - even more compared to the ones they had in the hotel beforehand.

"There's only six beds here." Robbie blurted out, turning to face the guard who's standing at the cell door. "So what?" The guard scoffed while rolling his eyes. "Well, in case you haven't notice, there's seven of us here." Jade responded, annoyance clearly evident in her tone. Beck tighten his arms around Jade's waist as he took his place standing behind her, with his head tilted slightly to the side and his chin resting on her right shoulder.

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