Chapter 3

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21th September 2019

Classes started that week. Jungkook was glad that Ellie went to the Humanities campus too, she was a great help.
The first day she basically walked him to all his lectures to make sure he didn't get lost, and she gave him her number too so that he could contact her if he needed something.

He had enjoyed the first lecture on filmography but found the next one on Nietzsche quite boring, philosophy was a requirement for freshers.
He only had one other left for the day and he was quite excited, it was Music.
Ellie ran to her own lecture after dropping him off in front of his lecture classroom. He could see that students were lining up at the door, the previous class was probably still inside.

He dropped his backpack on the floor and leaned on the wall with his shoulder while putting his headphones on.
They waited no more than 2 minutes before the other class started coming out, it looked like they were older.
He kept his head low cause he hated making random eye contact but then a guy tripped on his backpack and stumbled on the floor, making the people around laugh.

Jungkook widened his eyes in horror while apologising infinite times but stopped to gulp down when he saw the expression on the guy's face. His hair was minty coloured and Jungkook just knew he had to be Korean too, his glare made him shiver when he spoke again getting near.

'Why the hell would you keep your bag like that? Do you think it's cool to make people trip?'

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'Why the hell would you keep your bag like that? Do you think it's cool to make people trip?'. The guy yelled .
The space between their noses was less than 5 inches. Jungkook could only gulp down again, his mouth was dry.

'Come on Yoongi, don't torture the poor boy. It must be his first day.' They both turned their glance to where the sweet voice came from.

Another guy was standing just a few feet away with a smile, he came forward to put a hand on the minty haired guy's shoulders and pulling him away.

'Yeah, plus it was the funniest shit ever' a tall guy wearing very bright coloured clothes was bending down in laughter.

The minty haired shot him a death glare.
'Shut up Hoseok. Now let's go before I ditch the two of you for lunch'.

Jungkook hadn't moved one bit, his gaze was still on the guy that pulled the furious one away. He was smiling at him reassuringly, his hair was blonde and his facial features were just... just soft.. no .. they were.. smooth.. tender... Jungkook though that must be what angels look like.

He didn't know how long he had been staring at the guy that was chuckling at Hoseok, while patting Yoongi's shoulder

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He didn't know how long he had been staring at the guy that was chuckling at Hoseok, while patting Yoongi's shoulder.
Then the last one started walking away upset and the laughing mess composed himself a little. The blonde guy bent over to grab Jungkook's backpack then handed it to him.

'Here you go, don't worry about him, he's just grumpy today' he said.

The other guy scoffed 'Try EVERYDAY, he's always like that' he walked over to give Jungkook a pat on the shoulder 'relax dude, your class is starting'.

And with that they left, rushing after the minty haired boy. Jungkook started at them until they disappeared in the crowd and then shook his head, coming back to earth and ran in the classroom.

~ 💜~

'Mh that's not too bad' said Jungkook while eating his sandwich '...a bit bland'.

'Yeah most of the food here tastes like nothing' Ellie agreed while opening up her salad.

They met up for lunch at the Pret right in front of the college. 'So how was your first day?' Ellie asked excitedly.

'It was alright, I managed to come out of the campus on my own!' He giggled.
'Film must be my favorite, although music was good too, except..' he didn't finish the sentence.

'Except what?' she asked curiously.

'Well a guy yelled at me right after you left because he tripped on my bag. He was furious.' He cringed tensely at the memory.

'Ugh, there are always rude kids around, no matter how classy the Uni is. I once had a girl throwing water in my face for getting the last brownie in the cafeteria.'

'Whaat? And what did you do?' Kookie was jungshook.

'I ate my brownie and asked for a tissue'
she answered lightheartedly and they both giggled.

'I wish I had your calmness, I didn't even utter a word. Thank god his friend pulled him away.'

'Ahh, a knight in shining armour to the rescue' she chuckled.

'...yeah' Jungkook said replaying the moment in his mind.

'What was that?' she stopped to look at him properly 'Am I sensing an increase in heart beat?' she joked.

'What? No, what are you talking about? I was just thinking about it' he said trying to sound offended.

'Alright, alright. Did you thank him?' she asked.

Jungkook thought about it, he didn't even thank him, dammit!
He pouted 'No, I forgot. I wasn't thinking straight..'

Ellie almost chocked trying not to laugh at the unintended pun.

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