Chapter 12

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31 October 2019

Jungkook and Ellie made their way to the Music classroom to be greeted with blasting music and tables overflowing with food. A few carved pumpkins and a couple of hanging bats were scattered around to keep up with the Halloween mood. Most people were already there chatting and stuffing their mouths with snacks. Hoseok came running as soon as he noticed his project partner and engulfed him in a tight hug. Jungkook patted his back in response, Hobi was obviously excited about the announcement for the best song but Jungkook couldn't help feeling anxious. Other people had already read his lyrics and if they were indeed chosen, an entire audience would do it too. He found a little comfort knowing that he didn't have to sing it at least, someone else could do it.

After an hour or so, Yoongi finally asked everyone to settle down. He wasn't the only one standing in the front though.
'Okay everyone! After consulting with the presidents of the other clubs, we picked the best song among all your anonymous submissions. We still have no idea of who are the authors so we'll just reveal the title.. Jimin?'

The blonde boy nodded at him, 'Please do not be disappointed if your song was not chosen. Everyone will have the chance to make an arrangement and perform it at our end of the year event.'
His smile could have melted the North Pole.. Jungkook asked himself if that could be the actual cause of global warming, but then proceeded to mentally facepalm himself for being such an idiot.

'We chose this song because it perfectly fits the theme, it is well written and relatable, as well as deeply emotional.
Congratulations to the writers of ...'

The young boy's heart was beating so fast that he could feel it in his throat.

'... Magic Shop!'

Flatline, cardiac arrest. There was no pulse all of a sudden and his head felt dizzy.
Someone crushed into him, Hoseok was jumping up and down in celebration trying to pull him off his chair and Ellie was patting his back, while all around people were clapping politely.
Jungkook wide eyes met with Hobi's excited ones and he finally stretched his lips into a shy smile.

'Alright! I'm guessing Hoseok and Jungkook are the winners. Please come forward so we can discuss the next steps. Everyone else you're welcome to assault the buffet, we'll have a proper party later.'
Yoongi was gesturing at the two to approach him.

Jungkook was staring at his shoes when he felt someone else pat his shoulder.
'Great job, Jungkook! Your song is amazing.'
His head shot up immediately as his gaze met with the gorgeous blonde boy. Jimin was blessing him with a sincere bright smile. It was for him this time.. just for him.
'Thank you' he just whispered, lost in the galaxy held in the other's eyes.

Yoongi brought him back to earth.
'We'll need to meet at least once a week if we want to get it done in time. Do you already have ideas for the arrangement?' he asked.

Hoseok pushes the younger forward.
'I'm sure Jungkook has tons of ideas already' he said while the other glared at him.

'Good, then we'll just need to organise it and record your back vocals and rehe—'

'Hmm..' Jungkook quickly stopped him, 'I don't really wanna sing it though.. I'm not very good... Hoseok can do the rap but can we have someone else collaborating? I hear Jin has a very nice voice..'
He was fiddling with the end of his jumper nervously.

'Oh.. I guess we can ask' said Yoongi a little taken aback, 'HEY JIN HYUNG?'

The tall handsome guy was talking to Ellie in front of the buffet, he turned around and approached them with the girl.

'Jin, how would you like to sing the vocals for their song at the Winter festival?'

The older looked surprised but nodded, 'I mean sure, why though?'

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