Chapter Forty-three

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Dedicated to JohnChiarello

Love... Puts up with anything, Trusts God always, Always looks for the best, Never looks back, But keeps going to the end.
--1 Corinthians 13:7 (MSG)

I long to drink of you, O God, drinking deeply from the streams of pleasure flowing from your presence. My longings overwhelm me for more of you! --Psalms 42:1 (TPT)

It had been decided that Funmi would have the surgery before the wedding and their wedding postponed

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It had been decided that Funmi would have the surgery before the wedding and their wedding postponed. However, it seemed their family especially Gerald's family had something contrary to say concerning it. But Gerald had said nothing about it to his wife-to-be.

The surgery had been successful and according to the surgeon, Funmi needed at least six weeks to recover fully from it. The gang had been around her when the surgery was done and on the day she was discharged. They surrounded her with love and prayers. Even her parents had had nothing to worry about as they covered everything from food to the bills to prayers to running shifts as to who stayed with her during various hours of each day.

Some weeks after she had been discharged, Funmi had called Posi in tears. She was sobbing so much that her words were incoherent and inaudible, so she had to leave her office to go to Funmi's place.

As soon as she arrived and Funmi opened the door for her, she hugged her and the tears began again. Posi managed to move her to a sofa in her living room and console her till she settled into the occasional hiccup.

After some moments of silence, Posi held her friend's hands and spoke. "What's the matter, babes? What's wrong?"

Funmi sighed. "Gerald just left before you arrived. We were talking sweetly one minute and the next second, fighting. We had a falling out, again. Since the time of the surgery, all we have been doing is fighting and making up. Honestly, I'm beginning to get tired of it. It's like we can't catch a break and like we shouldn't even go ahead with the wedding anymore."

Posi's eyes widened. Had it gotten to that level? Her friends were the strongest people she knew. They had been so sure of their relationship and wedding, why were they suddenly feeling this way?

"What was the falling out about?"

Funmi picked at her nails nervously. "I asked him about when we should fix our new wedding date and it was obvious he was stalling. So, I confronted him about it. Apparently, when Gerald informed our families about my surgery and the postponement of our wedding, some of our relatives weren't for it. The relatives being his. His parents didn't mind but his aunty, who is his dad's elder sister along with some other relatives, began to question the sudden decision to postpone the wedding. They concluded that if I was already having issues with my reproductive system even without getting married, that maybe I wouldn't be able to have children later in marriage. They insinuated that I could be barren, Posi." Funmi dissolved into tears again.

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