---↓"Wilbur please, shush!"↓---

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Haha SBI go brrrrr


Contex: Technoblade and Wilbur are left at home alone, but they need to take care of Tommy. (This happened irl lmao)

  -"Tommy! Come back here!" A brunette boy with glasses says meanwhile trying to "catch" the 3 years old that just laughed at the oldest.

-"Catch 'ya!" Another brunette says grabbing the child

-"Wilbur! Where did you come from?" The boy with glasses ask Wilbur, confused.

-"A magician never tell yours secrets Techno! But not even a thank you?" Wilbur says the last part faking sadness, Tommy look at Wilbur and causally give the boy a slap, what made Techno wheeze.

-"Tommy! Why?" Wilbur says with fake tears in his eyes, Tommy just put his little hands at Wilbur mouth with a smile on his face, making Technoblade wheeze more.

-"This is the best way to say to someone shut up!" Technoblade says trying to stop laughing.


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