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Harry's POV:

When I wake up, I'm cold. Like some heat source has left me recently. I wrap myself in the covers more without opening my eyes and try to get warmer. After it doesn't work, I open my eyes and decide to throw some clothes on. Only I realise as I go to do this that I'm not in my house. I'm in fact in Louis' empty bed and I have no comfy clothes to throw on.

Just then, someone opens the door. Its Louis. His hair is wet from the shower and all he's wearing are some grey sweatpants. He looks so good right now and I have to stop myself from checking him out. "Good morning sleepy head" he smiles at me as he sits down on the end of the bed. I mumble a good morning and sit up properly. "Sleep well?"

"Yeah actually" I smile at him. "Not got any clothes to put on though" Louis chuckles, but goes to grab me some clothes. He comes back with a t shirt and some sweatpants, just like the ones he's already wearing. I thank him and go to the bathroom to change.

Today we've decided that we'll all go to the park. Not sure why but the lads decided it would be fun to go out and Louis wouldn't mind it either. Apparently he's excellent at football so maybe we could have a game or something.

When I return from the bathroom, Louis' fully dressed. Still in his sweatpants, but with a hoodie on now as well. I look down and notice he's tucked his joggers into his socks and smile at this. How can he think he's not adorable?

"Are you coming to the park?" He asks me. Then he comes over and wraps his arms around my waist.

"Yeah I am. How come you're in such a good mood?" I ask him. Its not that I mind, he just seems to be in a very cheery mood that be doesn't always have. I wrap my own arms around him and kiss his forehead. Louis shrugs and then pulls away from me.

"I just really like whatever this is I guess" he smiles before he leaves the room, leaving me to chase after him. "You want breakfast?" He asks over his shoulder. I say yes and we head to the kitchen.

"Oh, look who decided to get out of bed!" Niall exclaims when I enter the room that the rest of the boys are already in. I roll my eyes at him but smile anyway, then take a seat next to Louis. "Louis said you slept like a baby last night"

I smile at this. But partly also at the fact that Louis has actually talked to Niall. He's really overcoming this anxiety, even if it's just with a few people. That's possibly what's given him such a good mood.

We eat breakfast. Well, Niall and I do as everyone else has already eaten and Niall wants seconds. Louis is talking to everyone while we do. Maybe not often, but he's doing it and that's what is important. I smile at him every so often to show him how well I think he's doing and he smiles back.

After breakfast, we decide to head out straight away. There won't be too many people for those of us who like to hide from the general public. And then we could do something later. We decide to drive, to limit the amount of people we come into contact with. Louis, Niall and I go in one car while Ziam go in the other. We meet at the park.

As soon as we get out, Louis seems much more nervous than he was only moments ago. He's almost attached to my side as we start walking through the park.

"Lou, we can't be clinging on to one another in public. I'm not allowed" I tell him, quietly when we're on our way to a spot that we can play football. He nods and tries to distance himself but fails as he gets more nervous. I can see him biting his lip and it going red which makes me sad to see, so I tell him not to. He tries his best but resorts back to it whenever he gets another wave of nervousness. "Hey, you're doing great. Only a little further and we can just have fun and play"

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