Chapter 01

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"Hey, you heard about the Dragon Mage?" Asked one teenager for another as they walk the streets under the night sky of New Domino City, both with Duel Disks on their wrists.

"No, what is it?" Replied the second teenager.

"Are you serious. Everyone talks about it at the Duel Academy." The first teenager said surprised.

" I don't really listen to the rumors." Retorted the second teenager.

"No problem, I'll explain to you. It all started with cops pursuing a person who broke into their premises. Nobody knows why he came in, all we know is that the cops chasing him ended up in an alley with several broken bones and their Duel Disk destroyed. Little is known about what happened to them. Other than they said that the one who did this to them needed only a magician and a dragon to beat them, and the sentence he told them at the beginning of the duel. From this moment, every night, many people, all over the city suffers the same fate. With the same sentence before the duels." Says the first teenager, telling the beginning of the story.

"What was this sentence?" Asked the second teenager.

"What do you see beyond the monster?" Said a voice from behind them.

The two teens turn around to see a person they can not identify in black with a hooded poncho hiding his face the same color on one arm, an active Black Duel Disk which all that they could even be blue and red glow, while two cables related to the Duel Disk cling to theirs.

A few minutes later, we could hear the two teenagers screaming in fear and pain as they finished on the ground with their destroyed Duel Disk while the duelist who faced them still stands with a dragon behind him. can not distinguish a purple form with red eyes.

The next day at the Duel Academy, a student had just finished an exercise while the majority of the class is still working on it, he is 16 years old with (H/C) hair, (E/C) eyes, and wears the uniform of the Duel Academy.

When he is about to give it back to the teacher, the loudspeakers snap in and the director starts talking to cross them.

"(Y/N) (L/N), come to my office now and take your things with you." The principal said as the student put his stuff in order to make it clear to those in the class who didn't know him that the director was addressing him.

"I hope it's for the fireworks show in the dueling arenas last month." (Y/N) said to himself as he walks down the halls of the academy toward the director's office.

Once in the principal's office, he finds him with a young woman with short hair, blue hair and golden eyes, wearing a white blouse under a gray-blue jacket that ends in the abdomen in front of a belt. brown, but falls behind her white skirt in the back, accompanied by brown heels and blue earrings.

"Hello. Nice to meet you, Mr. (L/N). My name is Mina Simington. My employer, Rex Goodwin would like to see you as soon as possible." Said the young woman posing and revealing the reason for her presence.

"But I have the class of the day to finish and then..." (Y/N) said before the headmaster spoke.

"That's why I'm finishing your day today." Says the director.

"What?! But I will be late for others!" (Y/N) said.

"It must be important if the city security chief wants to see you. So go ahead and don't worry about classes." Says the principal.

"Good if you insist. I follow you." (Y/N) said resigning himself to accepting the offer.

(Y/N) and Mina leave the principal's office and enter the backseat of a black car in which a driver is waiting for them.

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