Chapter 14

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When he arrived, (Y/N) saw the car Mina and Akiza used to stop in front of a ruined amusement park. He stopped there and began to walk in search of Akiza without success. He finally enters a building that he climbs to hope to have a clear enough sight to find but once arrived at the penultimate floor, he took a blow that knocked him down by a person wearing a raincoat with a hat and sunglasses.

Upon waking, (Y/N) saw the man who knocked him out without his hat and his glasses in front of a broken window where the duel between Akiza with the detached hair and a sadistic expression on the face while on his ground is the Black Rose Dragon and the Phoenixian Seed, while on Misty's is the Earthbound Immortal Ccarayhua.

Akiza : 1600 Life Points

Misty : 1100 Life Points

"Go Akiza! Show him your true power! Smash it well!" Said the man before he took a maniacal laugh

"You!" (Y/N) said recognizing his voice.

The man turned around revealing that it was Sayer, who survived the destruction of the Arcadia movement building.

"You're awake, huh?!" Sayer said activating his Duel Disk while (Y/N) activated his.

"What are you looking for?! Why did you show up here?!" (Y/N) asked.

"It's because the Dark Singers infiltrated the Arcadia Movement that it happened to me." Sayer said raising his hair to show half of his face disfigured by a large scar.

"Look on the bright side, you look better like that. Your body reflects your soul." (Y/N) said

"Laugh as much as you want. But the mind control on Akiza is perfect." Retorted Sayer.

"What did you do to her?!" (Y/N) yelled with rage.

"For the moment, Akiza will only listen to my orders. I am going to use the powers of Akiza and take my revenge against all those who did this to me. The card that Nemesis had given me for reinforced control being destroyed, I was lucky to have the conditioning during his sleep so that by pronouncing a simple precise sentence, it falls under my control." Sayer explained.

"Free there! She is no longer your puppet." It's a new person! (Y/N) ordered.

"A new person, are you saying? Akiza is my fervent servant! I decide everything I do with her!" Says Sayer before using a Hinotama card with his abilities to attack (Y/N) who retaliated with a Magic Cylinder for returning the attack he dodged.

"I will not let her control!" (Y/N) said before approaching Sayer.

"Once you are in my hands, you are at my mercy, no matter who the person is. As soon as I stimulate someone's weaknesses, he acts as much as I want. Just like Akiza." Sayer said.

"And your own weaknesses?" (Y/N) asked surprising Sayer.

"What are you talking about?" Sayer asked.

"It must have been hard on someone like you, at a time when there was nothing like the Arcadia Movement to welcome you. All this hatred, all his insults, all this loneliness, all this discrimination that you endured in your life." (Y/N) said shuddering Sayer. "That's why you created the Arcadia Movement in reality: to avenge yourself for everything you suffered in your youth. You don't care about being accepted. All you want is to hurt people as they did you. It does not matter who sacrifices for this purpose." He said boiling (Y/N).

"Shut up, you don't know anything about what I went through." Sayer shouted.

"It's true. But I did psychology for a discovery internship. And it's very easy to know someone's intentions, and once that's done it's like a book we read five minutes ago." (Y/N) said while Sayer uses the Sword Psychic card to use the sword to kill him.

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