Chapter Seven:

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Taylor POV
I was eating cereal in the kitchen when the boys walked in.

"What are you guys doing up?" I asked them.

"We're going with you. We want to watch." Zayn said.

"Um, ok. I guess. Get in the car. I'm leaving now." They all gathered their things and left out the front door. I went to Hilary's room and told her that the boys are coming with me. I grabbed my bag and walked to my car parked in the driveway. When I opened the door to the driver's seat, the radio was turned all the way up and Louis was in the front seat. Harry, Zayn and Niall were in the middle seat and Liam was in the back seat. They were listening to some pop song that kept on repeating "live while we're young"

"No, no, no. We are not listening to this garbage. Turn it off." I told them. It got silent fast. "What?"

"Do you know who sang this song?" Harry asked.

"" I said. I glanced back at them and all of their jaws were dropped. "What? I don't listen to pop."

"That's us, Taylor." Zayn said.

"Ha! You've got to be kidding me." There was an awkward silence. "Oh, oops." Fortunately the training center was right here so this awkward conversation didn't last.

When I parked, all of the boys ran out of the car piling over each other. They were at the door before I even opened the door to get out. "Boys!" I raced to catch up with them. "Ok, so your going to need to know that since you're new around here people won't be taking it easy on you-" I didn't get to finish because the door was already opening and they were gone. This is just going to be great.

I walked in and the boys were crowding around the room with all of the exercise equipment. "Boys stop drooling and follow me." I lead them to the back to the more advanced part of the training center. When you walk through the door to your right is the target practice area. To your left is combat training, and down the middle are the obstacle courses. When your close to becoming an agent, like me, this is where you go. It's kind of like school. You study, you take tests, and you go to different classes. My first class is target practice.

I walked to the right and put on my regular safety glasses. I walked to the 3 window, because it was the only one open. I picked up the smallest gun but then quickly put it down. I forgot that the boys were still here. I quickly turned to them. "Why do you boys stay back and watch. I don't want you guys to get hurt."

"Taylor, we're not kids." Harry pouted.

"No you're not, but you sure act like you are." The last part I muttered to myself. "If you guys are good then maybe you can try some of these things out." Their face automatically lit up. I just rolled my eyes at their excitement.

I turned around and picked up the smallest gun. You always start with the smallest and then end on the biggest. I pushed the start button and a bell rang. Soon holographic people appeared in random places. I immediately started shooting. Like always, I did perfectly. A bell rang, signalling that I was going onto another level. I grabbed the medium sized gun and readied myself. The bell rang again and the same thing happened. Again, I did perfectly.

The bell rang again and I grabbed the biggest gun that was there. This time a lot more holographic people appeared. I shot every one except that one guy that I never seemed to get. He taunts me. The bell rang and I took off the glasses and put the gun down.

"Wow! That was awesome!" Louis exclaimed.

"Thanks. Who's next?" All five of them raised their hands. "Okay Liam you can go."

"Yes!" I tought him how to hold the gun and where to shoot. He didn't even make it to the second round, as I expected. After Liam, Niall and Harry went. They did just as bad. When it was Louis' turn he surprised me. He made it all the way to the second round!

"Wow Louis that was really good." I told him.


"Okay Zayn, your turn." He did a little jump of joy before he put on the glasses and started the level. Immediately he started shooting like it was natural. He made to the third level and even got the guy who i could never get!

"Wow, Zayn that was amazing!" Louis said.

"Thanks." He said and rubbed the back of his neck in embarresment.

"Where did you learn to shoot like that?" Niall asked.

"I don't know. It kind of came naturally." Just like your father, I wanted to say. Zayn's father was a sniper. He used his amazing shooting skills to his advantage.

"Well come on guys, on to combat!" I lead them to the combat training area.

AN: Okay I know this was really bad but I wanted to get something in before the new year. So I hope this was good enough for you guys and have a very happy new year! Peace and love one direction! :)

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