Chapter 2

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He made it to his class, after seeing a couple of his friends in the hall, he stepped into the class and took the seat in the back, sat down and plopped his bag on the floor under his desk, he took his phone out from his pocket and put his earbuds in, and pressed play, then the sweet flow sounds of S&M by Rihanna filled his head, he closed his Eyes as he let the music take him, then a hand tapped him on the shoulder, he jumped a little, opening his eyes, the boy from earlier was looking at him and Daniel Panicked, the first thought that went through his mind was "OMG, HE IS SO HOT" he took the earbuds out of his eyes and answered, "Hello" the boy said, "Oh shit, sorry for interrupting" he looked sincere, "No, your fine" Dan said, "What can I do for you" The boy looked at his phone and said "I couldn't help but Notice you like Rihanna, what song?" Dan showed him the phone and said "S&M" the boy said "HOLY SHIT I LOVE THAT SONG" "Nice, you got good taste ..." said Dan, the boy Looked confused and then realized "Shit sorry, my name is Sky and yours?" "Daniel, Daniel Sageridge and may I say you have a cute name" the boy Blushed and responded "T-thanks" The teacher Managed to make it to class right before the bell sounded, "Sit down everyone" the teacher said as he Pushed his glasses up, everyone took their seats, "My name is Mr. Philip and welcome to Science, bla bla rules, I'm too tired to say them so  Flip to page 15 of your textbooks that are located in your desks" Dan got his book and flipped to page 15, when all of a sudden a loud Boom sent a shock down the hall, the lights sparked out and the emergency lights flicked on, over the intercom the principal sounded panicked "Everyone please stay in your class and lock the doors, there are attackers in the school, they-" SZZZ, SPLAT, THUD, the the intercom went quiet, then after 6 chilling seconds the intercom sent out a high pitched ring, and then a deep voice came on "Bring us the one they call Daniel Sageridge" Everyone looked at Dan, and Dan asked "why me?" 

I have not finished it, so if you happen to read this please let me know if i should continue, and thx for reading it

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